Changeset - 5e6a129b4cd6
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 10 years ago 2014-03-19 14:00:03
Rewrite paragraph to mention minified Javascript, and other changes.
Also, update the FIXMEs to be more verbose.
1 file changed with 8 insertions and 6 deletions:
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@@ -2074,394 +2074,396 @@ geographical distribution limitation since GPLv2 was released in 1991. We
have concluded that this provision is not needed and is not expected to be
needed in the future, and that it therefore should be removed.


\chapter{Odds, Ends, and Absolutely No Warranty}

GPLv2~\S\S0--7 constitute the freedom-defending terms of the GPLv2.  The remainder
of the GPLv2 handles administrivia and issues concerning warranties and

\section{GPLv2~\S9: FSF as Stewards of GPL}

FSF reserves the exclusive right to publish future versions of the GPL\@;
GPLv2~\S9 expresses this.  While the stewardship of the copyrights on the body
of GPL'd software around the world is shared among thousands of
individuals and organizations, the license itself needs a single steward.
Forking of the code is often regrettable but basically innocuous.  Forking
of licensing is disastrous.

(Chapter~\ref{tale-of-two-copylefts} discusses more about the various
versions of GPL.)

\section{GPLv2~\S10: Relicensing Permitted}

GPLv2~\S10 reminds the licensee of what is already implied by the nature of
copyright law.  Namely, the copyright holder of a particular software
program has the prerogative to grant alternative agreements under separate
copyright licenses.

\section{GPLv2~\S11: No Warranty}

Most warranty disclaimer language shout at you.  The
\href{}{Uniform Commercial
  Code~\S2-316} requires that disclaimers of warranty be ``conspicuous''.
There is apparently general acceptance that \textsc{all caps} is the
preferred way to make something conspicuous, and that has over decades worked
its way into the voodoo tradition of warranty disclaimer writing.

Some have argued the GPL is unenforceable in some jurisdictions because
its disclaimer of warranties is impermissibly broad.  However, GPLv2~\S11
contains a jurisdictional savings provision, which states that it is to be
interpreted only as broadly as allowed by applicable law.  Such a
provision ensures that both it, and the entire GPL, is enforceable in any
jurisdiction, regardless of any particular law regarding the
permissibility of certain warranty disclaimers.

Finally, one important point to remember when reading GPLv2~\S11 is that GPLv2~\S1
permits the sale of warranty as an additional service, which GPLv2~\S11 affirms.

\section{GPLv2~\S12: Limitation of Liability}

There are many types of warranties, and in some jurisdictions some of them
cannot be disclaimed.  Therefore, usually agreements will have both a
warranty disclaimer and a limitation of liability, as we have in GPLv2~\S12.
GPLv2~\S11 thus gets rid of all implied warranties that can legally be
disavowed. GPLv2~\S12, in turn, limits the liability of the actor for any
warranties that cannot legally be disclaimed in a particular jurisdiction.

Again, some have argued the GPL is unenforceable in some jurisdictions
because its limitation of liability is impermissibly broad. However, \S
12, just like its sister, GPLv2~\S11, contains a jurisdictional savings
provision, which states that it is to be interpreted only as broadly as
allowed by applicable law.  As stated above, such a provision ensures that
both GPLv2~\S12, and the entire GPL, is enforceable in any jurisdiction,
regardless of any particular law regarding the permissibility of limiting

So end the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License.


This chapter discussed the text of GPLv3.  Much of this material herein
includes text that was adapted (with permission) from text that FSF
originally published as part of the so-called ``rationale documents'' for the
various discussion drafts of GPLv3.

The FSF ran a somewhat public process to develop GPLv3, and it was the first
attempt of its kind to develop a Free Software license this way.  Ultimately,
RMS was the primary author of GPLv3, but he listened to feedback from all
sorts of individuals and even for-profit companies.  Nevertheless, in
attempting to understand GPLv3 after the fact, the materials available from
the GPLv3 process have a somewhat ``drinking from the firehose'' effect.
This chapter seeks to explain GPLv3 to newcomers, who perhaps are familiar
with GPLv2.

\section{Understanding GPLv3 As An Upgraded GPLv2}

Ultimately, GPLv2 and GPLv3 co-exist as active licenses in regular use.  As
discussed in Chapter\~ref{tale-of-two-copylefts}, GPLv1 was never in regular
use alongside GPLv2.  However, given GPLv2's widespread popularity and
existing longevity by the time GPLv3 was published, it is not surprising that
some licensors have continued to prefer GPLv2-only or GPLv2-or-later as their
preferred license.  GPLv3 has gained major adoption by many projects, old and
new, but many projects have not upgraded due to (in some cases) mere laziness
and (in other cases) policy preference for some of GPLv2's terms.

Given this ``two GPLs'' world is the one we all live in, it makes sense to
consider GPLv3 in terms of how it differs from GPLv2.  Also, most of the best
GPL experts in the world must deal regularly with both licenses, and
admittedly have decades of experience of GPLv2 while the most experience with
GPLv3 that's possible is by default less than a decade.

These two factors usually cause even new students of GPL to start with GPLv2
and move on to GPLv3, and this tutorial follows that pattern.

Overall, the changes made in GPLv3 admittedly \textit{increased} the
complexity of the license.  The FSF stated at the start of the GPLv3 process
that they would have liked to oblige those who have asked for a simpler and
shorter GPL\@.  Ultimately, the FSF gave priority to making GPLv3 do the job
that needs to be done to build a better copyleft.  Obsession for concision
should never trump software freedom.

\section{GPLv3~\S0: Giving In On ``Defined Terms''}

One of lawyers' most common complaints about GPLv2 is that defined terms in
the document appear throughout.  Most licenses define terms up-front.
However, GPL was always designed both as a document that should be easily
understood both by lawyers and by software developers: it is a document
designed to give freedom to software developers and users, and therefore it
should be comprehensible to that constituency.

Interestingly enough, one coauthor of this tutorial who is both a lawyer and
a developer pointed out that in law school, she understood defined terms more
quickly than other law students precisely because of her programming
background.  For developers, having \verb0#define0 (in the C programming
language) or other types of constants and/or macros that automatically expand
in the place where they are used is second nature.  As such, adding a defined
terms section was not terribly problematic for developers, and thus GPLv3
adds one.  Most of these defined terms are somewhat straightforward and bring
forward better worded definitions from GPLv2.  Herein, this tutorial
discusses a few of the new ones.

GPLv3~\S0 includes definitions of four new terms not found in any form in
GPLv2: ``covered work'', ``propagate'', ``convey'', and ``Appropriate Legal

While ``covered by this license'' is a phrase found in GPLv2, defining it
more complete in a single as ``covered work'' enables some of the wording in
GPLv3 to be simpler and clearer than its GPLv2 counterparts.

% FIXME: does propagate  definition still work the same way in final draft?

The term ``propagate'' serves two purposes.  First, ``propagate'' provides a
simple and convenient means for distinguishing between the kinds of uses of a
work that the GPL imposes conditions on and the kinds of uses that the GPL
does not (for the most part) impose conditions on.

Second, ``propagate'' furthers our goal of making the license as global as
possible in its wording and effect.  When a work is licensed under the GPL,
the copyright law of some particular country will govern certain legal issues
arising under the license.  A term like ``distribute'' or its equivalent in
languages other than English, is used in several national copyright statutes.
The scope of ``distribution'' in the copyright context can differ from
country to country.  The GPL does not seek to necessarily use the specific
meaning of ``distribution'' that exists under United States copyright law or
any other country's copyright law.

Therefore, the GPL defines the term ``propagate'' by reference to activities
that require permission under ``applicable copyright law'', but excludes
execution and private modification from the definition.  GPLv3's definition
also gives examples of activities that may be included within ``propagation''
but it also makes clear that, under the copyright laws of a given country,
``propagation'' may include other activities as well.

% FIXME: paragraph number change , and more on Convey once definition comes.

The third paragraph of section 2 represents another effort to compensate for
variation in national copyright law.  We distinguish between propagation that
enables parties other than the licensee to make or receive copies, and other
forms of propagation.  As noted above, the meaning of ``distribution'' under
copyright law varies from country to country, including with respect to
whether making copies available to other parties (such as related public or
corporate entities) is ``distribution.'' ``Propagation,'' however, is a term
not tied to any statutory language.  Propagation that does not enable other
parties to make or receive copies --- for example, making private copies or
privately viewing the program --- is permitted unconditionally.  Propagation
that does enable other parties to make or receive copies is permitted as
``distribution,'' subject to the conditions set forth in sections 4--6.

% FIXME: Appropriate Legal Notices

\section{GPLv3~\S1: Understanding CCS}

% FIXME: Talk briefly about importance of CCS and reference compliance guide

% FIXME: reword source code a bit
% FIXME: verify this still matches final GPLv3 text.
% FIXME:  link to GPLv2 tutorial sections if possible and where appropriate.

Section 1 retains GPLv2's definition of ``source code'' and adds an explicit
definition of ``object code'' as ``any non-source version of a work.''
GPLv3\~S1 retains GPLv2's definition of ``source code'' and adds an explicit
definition of ``object code'' as ``any non-source version of a work''.
Object code is not restricted to a narrow technical meaning and is to be
understood broadly as including any form of the work other than the preferred
form for making modifications to it.  Object code therefore includes any kind
of transformed version of source code, such as bytecode.  The definition of
object code also ensures that licensees cannot escape their obligations under
the GPL by resorting to shrouded source or obfuscated programming.
of transformed version of source code, such as bytecode or minified
Javascript.  The definition of object code also ensures that licensees cannot
escape their obligations under the GPL by resorting to shrouded source or
obfuscated programming.

% FIXME: CCS Coresponding Source updated to newer definition in later drafts

Keeping with the desire to ``round up'' definitions that were spread
throughout the text of GPLv2, the definition of CCS\footnote{Note that the
  preferred term by those who work with both GPLv2 and GPLv3 is ``Complete
  Corresponding Source'', abbreviated to ``CCS''.  Admittedly, the word
  ``complete'' no longer appears in GPLv3 (which uses the word ``all''
  instead).  However, both GPLv2 and the early drafts of GPLv3 itself used
  the word complete, and early GPLv3 drafts even included the phrase
  ``Complete Corresponding Source''.  Meanwhile, use of the acronym ``CCS''
  (sometimes, ``C&CS'') was so widespread among GPL enforcers that its use
  continues even though GPLv3-focused experts tend to say just the defined
  term of ``Corresponding Source''.}, or, as GPLv3 officially calls it,
``Corresponding Source'', is given in GPLv3~\S1\P4.  This definition is as
broad as necessary to protect users' exercise of their rights under the
GPL. We follow the definition with particular examples to remove any doubt
that they are to be considered Complete Corresponding Source Code. We wish to
make completely clear that a licensee cannot avoid complying with the
requirements of the GPL by dynamically linking an add-on component to the
original version of a program.

Though the definition of Complete Corresponding Source Code in the
second paragraph of section 1 is expansive, it is not sufficient to
protect users' freedoms in many circumstances.  For example, a GPL'd
program, or a modified version of such a program, might need to be
signed with a key or authorized with a code in order for it to run on
a particular machine and function properly. Similarly, a program that
produces digitally-restricted files might require a decryption code in
order to read the output.  

% FIXME: Standard Interface

% FIXME: System Libraries: it's in a different place and changed in later drafts

The final paragraph of section 1 revises the exception to the source code
distribution requirement in GPLv2 that we have sometimes called the system
library exception. This exception has been read to prohibit certain
distribution arrangements that we consider reasonable and have not sought to
prevent, such as distribution of gcc linked with a non-free C library that is
included as part of a larger non-free system. This is not to say that such
non-free libraries are legitimate; rather, preventing free software from
linking with these libraries would hurt free software more than it would hurt
proprietary software.

As revised, the exception has two parts. Part (a) rewords the GPLv2
exception for clarity but also removes the words ``unless that
component itself accompanies the executable.''  By itself, (a) would
be too permissive, allowing distributors to evade their
responsibilities under the GPL.  We have therefore added part (b) to
specify when a system library that is an adjunct of a major essential
operating system component, compiler, or interpreter does not trigger
the requirement to distribute source code.  The more low-level the
functionality provided by the library, the more likely it is to be
qualified for this exception.

\section{GPLv3~\S2: Basic Permissions}

% FIXME: phrase ``unmodified Program'' appears due to User Products exception

We have included the first sentence of section 2 to further internationalize
the GPL. Under the copyright laws of some countries, it may be necessary for
a copyright license to include an explicit provision setting forth the
duration of the rights being granted. In other countries, including the
United States, such a provision is unnecessary but permissible.

The first paragraph of section 2 also acknowledges that licensees under the
GPL enjoy rights of copyright fair use, or the equivalent under applicable
law. These rights are compatible with, and not in conflict with, the freedoms
that the GPL seeks to protect, and the GPL cannot and should not restrict

% FIXME: propagate and convey

Section 2 distinguishes between activities of a licensee that are permitted
without limitation and activities that trigger additional requirements. The
second paragraph of section 2 guarantees the basic freedoms of privately
modifying and running the program. However, the right to privately modify and
run the program is terminated if the licensee brings a patent infringement
lawsuit against anyone for activities relating to a work based on the


\section{GPLv3~\S3: What Hath DMCA Wrought}

% FIXME: reference the section in DMCA about this, maybe already there in
%        GPLv2 section?

% FIXME: Wrong paragraph now.

The second paragraph of section 3 declares that no GPL'd program is part of
an effective technological protection measure, regardless of what the program
does. Ill-advised legislation in the United States and other countries has
prohibited circumvention of such technological measures. If a covered work is
distributed as part of a system for generating or accessing certain data, the
effect of this paragraph is to prevent someone from claiming that some other
GPL'd program that accesses the same data is an illegal circumvention.

\section{GPLv3~\S4: Verbatim Copying}

% FIXME: there appear to be minor changes here in later drafts, fix that.

Section 4 has been revised from its corresponding section in GPLv2 in light
of the new section 7 on license compatibility. A distributor of verbatim
copies of the program's source code must obey any existing additional terms
that apply to parts of the program. In addition, the distributor is required
to keep intact all license notices, including notices of such additional

\section{GPLv3~\S5: Modified Source}

% FIXME: 5(a) is slightly different in final version

Section 5 contains a number of changes relative to the corresponding section
in GPLv2. Subsection 5a slightly relaxes the requirements regarding notice of
changes to the program. In particular, the modified files themselves need no
longer be marked. This reduces administrative burdens for developers of
modified versions of GPL'd software.

Under subsection 5a, as in the corresponding provision of GPLv2, the notices
must state ``the date of any change,'' which we interpret to mean the date of
one or more of the licensee's changes.  The best practice would be to include
the date of the latest change.  However, in order to avoid requiring revision
of programs distributed under ``GPL version 2 or later,'' we have retained
the existing wording.

% FIXME:  It's now (b) and (c).  Also, ``validity'' of proprietary
%         relicensing?  Give me a break.  I'll fix that.

Subsection 5b is the central copyleft provision of the license.  It now
states that the GPL applies to the whole of the work.  The license must be
unmodified, except as permitted by section 7, which allows GPL'd code to be
combined with parts covered by certain other kinds of free software licensing
terms. Another change in subsection 5b is the removal of the words ``at no
charge,'' which was often misinterpreted by commentators.  The last sentence
of subsection 5b explicitly recognizes the validity of disjunctive

%  FIXME: 5d.  Related to Appropriatey Legal notices


% follows 5d now, call it the ``final paragraph''

The paragraph following subsection 5c has been revised for clarity, but the
underlying meaning is unchanged. When independent non-derivative sections are
distributed for use in a combination that is a covered work, the whole of the
combination must be licensed under the GPL, regardless of the form in which
such combination occurs, including combination by dynamic linking. The final
sentence of the paragraph adapts this requirement to the new compatibility
provisions of section 7.

\section{GPLv3~\S6: Non-Source and Corresponding Source}

Section 6 of GPLv3, which clarifies and revises GPLv2 section 3, requires
distributors of GPL'd object code to provide access to the corresponding
source code, in one of four specified ways. As noted above, ``object code''
in GPLv3 is defined broadly to mean any non-source version of a work.

% FIXME:  probably mostly still right, needs some updates, though.

Subsections 6a and 6b now apply specifically to distribution of object code
in a physical product. Physical products include embedded systems, as well as
physical software distribution media such as CDs. As in GPLv2, the
distribution of object code may either be accompanied by the machine-readable
source code, or it may be accompanied by a written offer to provide the
machine-readable source code to any third party. GPLv3 clarifies that the
medium for software interchange on which the machine-readable source code is
provided must be a durable physical medium. Subsection 6b does not prevent a
distributor from offering to provide source code to a third party by some
other means, such as transmission over a network, so long as the option of
obtaining source code on a physical medium is presented.

% FIXME:  probably mostly still right, needs some updates, though.

Subsection 6b revises the requirements for the written offer to provide
source code. As before, the offer must remain valid for at least three
years. In addition, even after three years, a distributor of a product
containing GPL'd object code must offer to provide source code for as long as
the distributor also continues to offer spare parts or customer support for
the product model. We believe that this is a reasonable and appropriate
requirement; a distributor should be prepared to provide source code if he or
she is prepared to provide support for other aspects of a physical product.

% FIXME: 10x language is gone.

Subsection 6b also increases the maximum permitted price for providing a copy
of the source code. GPLv2 stated that the price could be no more than the
cost of physically performing source distribution; GPLv3 allows the price to
be up to ten times the distributor's cost. It may not be practical to expect
some organizations to provide such copies at cost. Moreover, permitting such
organizations to charge ten times the cost is not particularly harmful, since
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