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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 10 years ago 2014-10-16 14:38:01
Typo fix.
1 file changed with 1 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -1435,65 +1435,65 @@ In the case of Oracle America v. Google, 872 F. Supp.2d 974 (N.D. Cal. 2012),
the Northern District of California District Court examined the question of 
whether the application program interfaces (APIs) associated with the Java
programming language are entitled to copyright protection.  While the 
court expressly declined to rule whether all APIs are free to use without 
license (872 F. Supp.2d 974 at 1002), the court held that the command 
structure and taxonomy of the APIs were not protectable under copyright law.
Specifically, the court characterized the command structure and taxonomy as
both a ``method of operation'' (using an approach not dissimilar to the 
First Circuit's analysis in Lotus) and a ``functional requirement for 
compatibility'' (using Sega v. Accolade, 977 F.2d 1510 (9th Cir. 1992) and
Sony Computer Ent. v. Connectix, 203 F.3d 596 (9th Cir. 2000) as analogies),
and thus unprotectable subject matter under \S~102(b). 

Perhaps not surprisingly, there have been few other cases involving a highly
detailed software derivative work analysis. Most often, cases involve
clearer basis for decision, including frequent bad faith on the part of
the defendant or over-aggressiveness on the part of the plaintiff.  

\section{How Much Do Derivative Works Matter?}

It is certainly true that GPL intends for any work that is determined a
``derivative work'' under copyright law must be licensed as a whole under
GPL\@, as will be discussed in the following chapter.  However, as we finish
up our discussion derivative works, we must note that preparation of a
derivative work is by far not the only way to create a new work covered by

In fact, while derivative work preparation is perhaps the most exciting area
of legal issues to consider, the more mundane ways to create a new work
covered by GPL are much more common.  For example, copyright statutes
generally require permission from the copyright holder to grant explicit
permission to modify a work in any manner.  As discussed in the next chapter,
the GPL {\em does} grants such permission, but requires the modify work must
the GPL {\em does} grants such permission, but requires the modified work must
also be licensed under the terms of the GPL (and only GPL:
see\S~\label{GPLv2s6} in this tutorial).  Determining whether software was
modified is a substantially easier analysis than the derivative work
discussions and considerations in this chapter.

The question of derivative works, when and how they are made, is undoubtedly
an essential discussion in the interpretation and consideration of copyleft.
That is why this chapter was included in this tutorial.  However, as we
return from this digression and resume discussion of the detailed text of the
GPLv2, we must gain a sense of perspective: most GPL questions center around
questions of modification and distribution, not preparation of derivative
works.  Derivative work preparation is ultimately a small subset of the types
of modified versions of the software a developer might create, thus, while an
excessive focus on derivative works indulges us in the more exciting areas of
copyleft, we must keep a sense of perspective regarding their relative


\chapter{Modified Source and Binary Distribution}

In this chapter, we discuss the two core sections that define the rights
and obligations for those who modify, improve, and/or redistribute GPL'd
software. These sections, GPLv2~\S\S2--3, define the central core rights and
requirements of GPLv2\@.

\section{GPLv2~\S2: Share and Share Alike}

For many, this is where the ``magic'' happens that defends software
freedom upon redistribution.  GPLv2~\S2 is the only place in GPLv2
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