Changeset - 485d11494758
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 10 years ago 2014-03-24 09:58:35
Fix the quote here.
1 file changed with 2 insertions and 2 deletions:
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@@ -83,92 +83,92 @@

+ Likely Questions:
      + Who's in charge of all this?
      + What's purpose and intent of these regulations?
      + Can I meet the inspectors?
# Why Listen To Us?

+ FSF: Understanding the purpose and intent of the GPL.
+ Conservancy & FSF:
    + both enforce the GPL.
    + if your client violates, you will hear from one of us.

+ Such access to drafters, interpreters, enforcers is highly unique.

+ Someday, we may (or already have) sit across the table from you.

+ Our transparency does make your job easier. 

# The Mindset of GPL

+ GPL protects software freedom.

+ Ultimate goal: make sure every user has the four freedoms.
     + Freedom to run the software.
     + Freedom to study and modify the software.
     + Freedom to share the software.
     + Freedom to distribute modified versions.

+ Every clause in GPL was designed to uphold one of these freedoms.
     + Or, it's a compromise of drafting in adoption vs. freedom debate.

# Using Copyright

+ GPL is primarily a copyright license.
      + Software is copyrighted.
      + License grants key freedoms.
      + Requirement prohibit activities that take away freedoms.

+ General concept: copyleft.

+ Specific implementation: GPL.


<span class="fitonslide">

> an original works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression &hellip;  from which they can be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated, either directly or with the aid of a machine or device
> Copyright protection subsists &hellip; original works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression &hellip;  from which they can be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated, either directly or with the aid of a machine or device.

<p align=right>
 &mdash; 17 USC \S~102
 &mdash; <a href="">17 USC &sect;102</a>

# Conditional Permissions

+ A copyleft license grants copyright permissions, conditionally.

+ Think of the phrase: &ldquo;provided that&rdquo;

+ &ldquo;provided that&rdquo;: appears (in some form) only

+ 4 times in GPLv2

+ 9 times in GPLv3.

# Compare To Proprietary Licenses

+ Yes, the GPL has its requirements.

+ But *none* of these activities are ever permitted under proprietary

+ If you don't like what the GPL requires you to do, then just tell your
  client to use the proprietary software instead.

+ That way, they know the answer to every question is &ldquo;no&;rdquo,

+ rather than: &ldquo;yes, but only as long as you &hellip;&rdquo;

# The Technical Gap

+ Understanding GPL well requires a some software expertise &amp; legal

+ You don't have to be a professional on either side to grok it.
     + but you're best off if you're a professional in one &amp; an amateur
       in the other. 

+ Most important technical concepts you need:
     + source code, binaries, methods of distribution.
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