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@@ -2430,1585 +2430,1585 @@ escape their obligations under the GPL by resorting to shrouded source or
obfuscated programming.

\subsection{CCS Definition}

The definition of CCS\footnote{Note that the preferred term for those who
  work regularly with both GPLv2 and GPLv3 is ``Complete Corresponding
  Source'', abbreviated to ``CCS''.  Admittedly, the word ``complete'' no
  longer appears in GPLv3 (which uses the word ``all'' instead).  However,
  both GPLv2 and the early drafts of GPLv3 itself used the word ``complete'',
  and early GPLv3 drafts even called this defined term ``Complete
  Corresponding Source''.  Meanwhile, use of the acronym ``CCS'' (sometimes,
  ``C\&CS'') was so widespread among GPL enforcers that its use continues
  even though GPLv3-focused experts tend to say just the defined term of
  ``Corresponding Source''.}, or, as GPLv3 officially calls it,
``Corresponding Source'' in GPLv3~\S1\P4 is possibly the most complex
definition in the license.

The CCS definition is broad so as to protect users' exercise of their rights
under the GPL\@.  The definition includes with particular examples to remove
any doubt that they are to be considered CCS\@.  GPLv3 seeks to make it
completely clear that a licensee cannot avoid complying with the requirements
of the GPL by dynamically linking a subprogram component to the original
version of a program.  The example also clarifies that the shared libraries
and dynamically linked subprograms that are included in Corresponding Source
are those that the work is ``specifically'' designed to require, which
clarifies that they do not include libraries invoked by the work that can be
readily substituted by other existing implementations.  While copyleft
advocates never doubted this was required under GPLv2's definition of CCS,
GPLv3 makes it abundantly clear with an extra example.

The GPL, as always, seeks to ensure users are truly in a position to install and
run their modified versions of the program; the CCS definition is designed to
be expansive to ensure this software freedom.  However, although the
definition of CCS is expansive, it is not sufficient to protect users'
freedoms in many circumstances.  For example, a GPL'd program, or a modified
version of such a program, might be locked-down and restricted.  The
requirements in GPLv3~\S6 (discussed in Section~\ref{GPLv3s6} of this
tutorial) handle that issue.  (Early drafts of GPLv3 included those
requirements in the definition of CCS; however, given that the lock-down
issue only comes up in distribution of object code, it is more logical to
place those requirements with the parts of GPLv3 dealing directly with object
code distribution).

The penultimate paragraph in GPLv3\S2 notes that GPLv3's CCS definition does
not require source that can be automatically generated.  Many code
generators, preprocessors and take source code as input and sometimes even
have output that is still source code.  Source code should always be whatever
the original programmer preferred to modify.

GPLv3\S1's final paragraph removes any ambiguity about what should be done on
source-only distributions.  Specifically, the right to convey source code
that does not compile, does not work, or otherwise is experimental
in-progress work is fully permitted, \textit{provided that} no object code
form is conveyed as well.  Indeed, when combined with the permissions in
GPLv3\S~5, it is clear that if one conveys \textit{only} source code, one can
never be required to provide more than that.  One always has the right to
modify a source code work by deleting any part of it, and there can be no
requirement that free software source code be a whole functioning program.

\subsection{The System Library Exception}

The previous section skipped over one part of the CCS definition, the
so-called system library exception.  The ``System Libraries'' definition (and
the ``Standard Interface'' and ``Major Component'' definitions, which it
includes) are designed as part
to permit certain distribution arrangements that are considered reasonable by
copyleft advocates.  The system library exception is designed to allow
copylefted software to link with these libraries when such linking would hurt
software freedom more than it would hurt proprietary software.

The system library exception has two parts.  Part (a) rewords the GPLv2
exception for clarity replacing GPLv2's words ``unless that component itself
accompanies the executable'' with ``which is not part of the Major
Component''.  The goal here is to not require disclosure of source code of
certain libraries, such as necessary Microsoft Windows DLLs (which aren't
part of Windows' kernel but accompany it) that are required for functioning
of copylefted programs compiled for Windows.

However, in isolation, (a) would be too permissive, as it would sometimes
allowing distributors to evade important GPL requirements.  Part (b) reigns
in (a).  Specifically, (b) specifies only a few functionalities that a the
system library may provide and still qualify for the exception.  The goal is
to ensure system libraries are truly adjunct to a major essential operating
system component, compiler, or interpreter.  The more low-level the
functionality provided by the library, the more likely it is to be qualified
for this exception.

Admittedly, the system library exception is a frequently discussed topic of
obsessed GPL theorists.  The amount that has been written on the system
library exception (both the GPLv2 and GPLv3 versions of it), if included
herein,  could easily increase this section of the tutorial to a length
greater than all the others.

Like any exception to the copyleft requirements of GPL, would-be GPL
violators frequently look to the system library exception as a potential
software freedom circumvention technique.  When considering whether or not a
library qualifies for the system library exception, here is a pragmatic
thesis to consider, based on the combined decades of experience in GPL
interpretation of this tutorial's authors: the harder and more strained the
reader must study and read the system library exception, the more likely it
is that the library in question does not qualify for it.

\section{GPLv3~\S2: Basic Permissions}

GPLv3~\S2 can roughly be considered as an equivalent to GPLv2~\S0 (discussed
in \S~\ref{GPLv2s0} of this tutorial).  However, the usual style of
improvements found in GPLv3 are found here as well.  For example, the first
sentence of GPLv3~\S2 furthers the goal internationalization.  Under the
copyright laws of some countries, it may be necessary for a copyright license
to include an explicit provision setting forth the duration of the rights
being granted. In other countries, including the USA, such a provision is
unnecessary but permissible.

GPLv3~\S2\P1 also acknowledges that licensees under the GPL enjoy rights of
copyright fair use, or the equivalent under applicable law.  These rights are
compatible with, and not in conflict with, the freedoms that the GPL seeks to
protect, and the GPL cannot and should not restrict them.

However, note that (sadly to some copyleft advocates) the unlimited freedom
to run is confined to the \textit{unmodified} Program.  This confinement is
unfortunately necessary since Programs that do not qualify as a User Product
in GPLv3~\S6 (see \S~\ref{user-product} in this tutorial) might have certain
unfortunate restrictions on the freedom to run\footnote{See
  \S~\ref{freedom-to-run} of this tutorial for the details on ``the freedom to

GPLv3~\S2\P2 distinguishes between activities of a licensee that are
permitted without limitation and activities that trigger additional
requirements.  Specifically, GPLv3~\S2\P2 guarantees the basic freedoms of
privately modifying and running the program.

Also, GPLv3~\S2\P2 gives an explicit permission for a client to provide a
copy of its modified software to a contractor exclusively for that contractor
to modify it further, or run it, on behalf of the client.  However, the
client can \textit{only} exercise this control over its own copyrighted
changes to the GPL-covered program.  The parts of the program it obtained
from other contributors must be provided to the contractor with the usual GPL
freedoms.  Thus, GPLv3 permits users to convey covered works to contractors
operating exclusively on the users' behalf, under the users' direction and
control, and to require the contractors to keep the users' copyrighted
changes confidential, but \textit{only if} the contractor is limited to acting
on the users' behalf (just as the users' employees would have to act).

The strict conditions in this ``contractors provision'' are needed so that it
cannot be twisted to fit other activities, such as making a program available
to downstream users or customers.  By making the limits on this provision
very narrow, GPLv3 ensures that, in all other cases, contractor gets the
full freedoms of the GPL that they deserve.

The FSF was specifically asked to add this ``contractors provisions'' by
large enterprise users of Free Software, who often contract with non-employee
developers, working offsite, to make modifications intended for the user's
private or internal use, and often arrange with other companies to operate
their data centers.  Whether GPLv2 permits these activities is not clear and
may depend on variations in copyright law in different jurisdictions.  The
practices seem basically harmless, so FSF decided to make it clear they are

GPLv3~\S2's final paragraph includes an explicit prohibition of sublicensing.
This provision ensures that GPL enforcement is always by the copyright
holder.  Usually, sublicensing is regarded as a practical convenience or
necessity for the licensee, to avoid having to negotiate a license with each
licensor in a chain of distribution.  The GPL solves this problem in another
way --- through its automatic licensing provision found in GPLv3\~S10 (which
is discussed in more detail in \S\~ref{GPLv3s10} of this tutorial).

\section{GPLv3's views on DRM and Device Lock-Down}

The issues of DRM, device lock-down and encryption key disclosure were the
most hotly debated during the GPLv3 process.  FSF's views on this were sadly
frequently misunderstood and, comparing the provisions related to these
issues in the earliest drafts of GPLv3 to  the final version of GPLv3 shows
the FSF's willingness to compromise on tactical issues to reach the larger
goal of software freedom.

Specifically, GPLv3 introduced provisions that respond to the growing
practice of distributing GPL-covered programs in devices that employ
technical means to restrict users from installing and running modified
versions.  This practice thwarts the expectations of developers and users
alike, because the right to modify is one of the core freedoms the GPL is
designed to secure.

Technological measures to defeat users' rights.  These measures are often
described by such Orwellian phrases, such as ``digital rights management,''
which actually means limitation or outright destruction of users' legal
rights, or ``trusted computing,'' which actually means selling people
computers they cannot trust.  However, these measures are alike in one basic
respect.  They all employ technical means to turn the system of copyright law
(where the powers of the copyright holder are limited exceptions to general
freedom) into a virtual prison, where everything not specifically permitted
is utterly forbidden.  This system of ``para-copyright'' was created well
after GPLv2 was written --- initially through legislation in the USA and the
EU, and later in other jurisdictions as well.  This legislation creates
serious civil or even criminal penalties to escape from these restrictions
(commonly and aptly called ``jail-breaking a device''), even where the
purpose in doing so is to restore the users' legal rights that the technology
wrongfully prevents them from exercising.

GPLv2 did not address the use of technical measures to take back the rights
that the GPL granted, because such measures did not exist in 1991, and would
have been irrelevant to the forms in which software was then delivered to
users.  GPLv3 addresses these issues, particularly because copylefted
software is ever more widely embedded in devices that impose technical
limitations on the user's freedom to change it.

However, FSF always made a clear distinction to avoid conflating these
``lock-down'' measures with legitimate applications that give users control,
as by enabling them to choose higher levels of system or data security within
their networks, or by allowing them to protect the security of their
communications using keys they can generate or copy to other devices for
sending or receiving messages.  Such technologies present no obstacles to
software freedom and the goals of copyleft.

The public GPLv3 drafting process sought to balance these positions of
copyleft advocates with various desperate views of the larger
Free-Software-using community.  Ultimately, FSF compromised to the GPLv3\S3
and GPLv3\S6 provisions that, taken together, are a minimalist set of terms
sufficient to protect the software freedom against the threat of invasive

The compromises made were ultimately quite reasonable.  The primary one is
embodied in GPLv3\S6's ``User Product'' definition (see \S~\ref{user-product}
in this tutorial for details).  Additionally, some readers of early GPLv3
drafts seem to have assumed GPLv3 contained a blanket prohibition on DRM; but
it does not.  In fact, no part of GPLv3 forbids DRM regarding non-GPL'd
works; rather, GPLv3 forbids the use of DRM specifically to lock-down
restrictions on users' ability to install modified versions of the GPL'd
software itself, but again, \textit{only} with regard to User Products.

\section{GPLv3~\S3: What Hath DMCA Wrought}

As discussed in \S~\ref{software-and-non-copyright} of this tutorial,
\href{}{17 USC~\S1201} and
relate sections\footnote{These sections of the USC are often referred to as
  the ``Digital Millennium Copyright Act'', or ``DMCA'', as that was the name
  of the bill that so-modified these sections of the USC\@.} prohibits users
from circumventing technological measures that implement DRM\@.  Since this
is part of copyright law and the GPL is primarily a copyright license, and
since what the DMCA calls ``circumvention'' is simply ``modifying the
software'' under the GPL, GPLv3 must disclaim that such anti-circumvention
provisions are not applicable to the GPLv3'd software.  GPLv3\S3 shields
users from being subjected to liability under anti-circumvention law for
exercising their rights under the GPL, so far as the GPL can do so.

First, GPLv3\S3\P1 declares that no GPL'd program is part of an effective
technological protection measure, regardless of what the program does.  Early
drafts of GPLv3\S3\P1 referred directly to the DMCA, but the final version
instead includes instead an international legal reference to
anticircumvention laws enacted pursuant to the 1996 WIPO treaty and any
similar laws.  Lawyers outside the USA worried that a USA statutory reference
could be read as indicating a choice for application of USA law to the
license as a whole.  While the FSF did not necessarily agree with that view,
the FSF decided anyway to refer to the WIPO treaty rather than DMCA, since
several national anticircumvention laws were (or will likely be) structured
more similarly to the anticircumvention provisions of the DMCA in their
implementation of WIPO\@.  Furthermore, the addition of ``or similar laws''
provides an appropriate catch-all.

Furthermore, GPLv3\S3\P2 states precisely that a conveying party waives the
power to forbid circumvention of technological measures only to the extent
that such circumvention is accomplished through the exercise of GPL rights in
the conveyed work.  GPLv3\S3\P2 makes clear that the referenced ``legal
rights'' are specifically rights arising under anticircumvention law.  and
refers to both the conveying party's rights and to third party rights, as in
some cases the conveying party will also be the party legally empowered to
enforce or invoke rights arising under anticircumvention law.

These disclaimers by each licensor of any intention to use GPL'd software to
stringently control access to other copyrighted works should effectively
prevent any private or public parties from invoking DMCA-like laws against
users who escape technical restriction measures implemented by GPL'd

\section{GPLv3~\S4: Verbatim Copying}

GPLv3~\S4 is a revision of GPLv2\~S1 (as discussed in \S~\ref{GPLv2s1} of
this tutorial).   There are almost no changes to this section from the
GPLv2\~S1, other than to use the new defined terms.

The only notable change of ``a fee'' to ``any price or no price'' in the
first sentence of GPLv3\S4\P2.  The GPLv2\S1\P1 means that the GPL permits
one to charge money for the distribution of software.  Despite efforts by
copyleft advocates to explain this in GPLv2 itself and in other documents,
there are evidently some people who still believe that GPLv2 allows charging
for services but not for selling copies of software and/or that the GPL
requires downloads to be gratis.  Perhaps this is because GPLv2 referred to
charging a ``fee''; the term ``fee'' is generally used in connection with

GPLv2's wording also referred to ``the physical act of transferring.''  The
intention was to distinguish charging for transfers from attempts to impose
licensing fees on all third parties.  ``Physical'' might be read, however, as
suggesting ``distribution in a physical medium only''.

To address these two issues, GPLv3 says ``price'' in place of ``fee,'' and
removes the term ``physical.''

GPLv3~\S4 has also been revised from its corresponding section in GPLv2 in
light of the GPLv3~\S7 (see \S~\ref{GPLv3s7} in this tutorial for more).
Specifically, a distributor of verbatim copies of the program's source code
must obey any existing additional terms that apply to parts of the program
pursuant to GPLv3~\S7.  In addition, the distributor is required to keep
intact all license notices, including notices of such additional terms.

Finally, there is no harm in explicitly pointing out what ought to be
obvious: that those who convey GPL-covered software may offer commercial
services for the support of that software.

\section{GPLv3~\S5: Modified Source}

GPLv3\S5 is the rewrite of GPLv2\S2, which was discussed in \S~\ref{GPLv2s2}
of this tutorial.  This section discusses the changes found in GPLv3\S5
compared to GPLv2\S2.

GPLv3\S5(a) still requires modified versions be marked with ``relevant
date'', but no longer says ``the date of any change''.  The best practice is
to include the date of the latest and/or most significant changes and who
made those.  Of course, compared to its GPLv2\S2(a), GPLv3\S5(a) slightly
relaxes the requirements regarding notice of changes to the program.  In
particular, the modified files themselves need no longer be marked.  This
reduces administrative burdens for developers of modified versions of GPL'd

GPLv3\S5(b) is a new but simple provision. GPLv3\S5(b)  requires that the
license text itself must be unmodified (except as permitted by GPLv3\S7; see
\S~\ref{GPLv3s7} in this tutorial).  Furthermore, it  removes any perceived
conflict between the words ``keep intact all notices'' in GPLv3\S4, since
operating under GPLv3\S5 still includes all the requirements of GPLv3\S4 by

GPLv3\S5(c) is the primary source-code-related copyleft provision of GPL. (The
object-code-related copyleft provisions are in GPLv3\S6, discussed in
\S~\ref{GPLv3s6} of this tutorial).  Compared to GPLv2\S2(b), GPLv3\S5(c)
states that the GPL applies to the whole of the work.  Such was stated
already in GPLv2\S2(b), in ``in whole or in part'', but this simplified
wording makes it clear the entire covered work

Another change in GPLv3\S5(c) is the removal of the
words ``at no charge,'' which was often is misunderstood upon na\"{i}ve
reading of in GPLv2\S(b) (as discussed in \S~\ref{GPLv2s2-at-no-charge} of this

%  FIXME-LATER: Write up something on 5d, and related it to Appropriate Legal Notices.


Note that of GPLv2~\S2's penultimate and ante-penultimate paragraphs are now
handled adequately by the definitions in GPLv3\S0 and as such, have no direct
analogs in GPLv3.

GPLv2~\S2's final paragraph, however, is reworded and expanded into the final
paragraph of GPLv3\S5, which now also covers issues related to copyright
compilations (but not compilations into object code --- that's in the next
section!).  The intent and scope is the same as was intended in GPLv2.

\section{GPLv3~\S6: Non-Source and Corresponding Source}

GPLv3~\S6 clarifies and revises GPLv2~\S3.  It requires distributors of GPL'd
object code to provide access to the corresponding source code, in one of
four specified ways.  As noted in \S~\ref{GPLv3s0}, ``object code'' in GPLv3
is defined broadly to mean any non-source version of a work.

% FIXME:  probably mostly still right, needs some updates, though.

GPLv3~\S6(a--b) now apply specifically to distribution of object code in a
physical product.  Physical products include embedded systems, as well as
physical software distribution media such as CDs.  As in GPLv2~\S3 (discussed
in \S~\ref{GPLv2s3} of this tutorial), the distribution of object code may
either be accompanied by the machine-readable source code, or it may be
accompanied by a valid written offer to provide the machine-readable source
code.  However, unlike in GPLv2, that offer cannot be exercised by any third
party; rather, only those ``who possesses the object code'' can exercise
the offer.  (Note that this is a substantial narrowing of requirements of
offer fulfillment, and is a wonderful counterexample to dispute claims that
the GPLv3 has more requirements than GPLv2.)

% FIXME:  probably mostly still right, needs some updates, though.

GPLv3~\S6(b) further revises the requirements for the written offer to
provide source code. As before, the offer must remain valid for at least
three years. In addition, even after three years, a distributor of a product
containing GPL'd object code must offer to provide source code for as long as
the distributor also continues to offer spare parts or customer support for
the product model.  This is a reasonable and appropriate requirement; a
distributor should be prepared to provide source code if he or she is
prepared to provide support for other aspects of a physical product.

GPLv3~\S6(a--b) clarifies that the medium for software interchange on which
the machine-readable source code is provided must be a durable physical
medium.  GPLv3~\S6(b)(2), however, permits a distributor to instead offer to
provide source code from a network server instead, which is yet another
example GPLv3 looser in its requirements than GPLv2 (see
\S~\ref{GPLv2s3-medium-customarily} for details).

% FIXME-LATER: more information about source provision, cost of physically
% performing, reasonable fees, medium customary clearly being said durable
% connecting back to previous text

GPLv3\S6(c) gives narrower permission than GPLv2\S3(c).  The ``pass along''
option for GPLv3\S6(c)(1) offers is now available only for individual
distribution of object code; moreover, such individual distribution can occur
only ``occasionally and noncommercially.''  A distributor cannot comply with
the GPL merely by making object code available on a publicly-accessible
network server accompanied by a copy of the written offer to provide source
code received from an upstream distributor.

%FIXME-LATER: tie back to the discussion of the occasional offer pass along
%             stuff in GPLv2 this tutorial.

GPLv3~\S6(d) revises and improves GPLv2~\S3's final paragraph.  When object
code is provided by offering access to copy the code from a designated place
(such as by enabling electronic access to a network server), the distributor
must merely offer equivalent access to copy the source code ``in the same way
through the same place''.  This wording also permits a distributor to offer a
third party access to both object code and source code on a single network
portal or web page, even though the access may include links to different
physical servers.  For example, a downstream distributor may provide a link
to an upstream distributor's server and arrange with the operator of that
server to keep the source code available for copying for as long as the
downstream distributor enables access to the object code.  This codifies
formally typical historical interpretation of GPLv2.

% FIXME-LATER: perhaps in enforcement section, but maybe here, note about
% ``slow down'' on source downloads being a compliance problem. 

Furthermore, under GPLv3~\S6(d), distributors may charge for the conveyed
object code; however, those who pay to obtain the object code must be given
equivalent and gratis access to obtain the CCS.  (If distributors convey the
object code gratis, distributors must likewise make CCS available without
charge.)  Those who do not obtain the object code from that distributors
(perhaps because they choose not to pay the fee for object code) are outside
the scope of the provision; distributors are under no specific obligation to
give CCS to someone who has not purchased an object code download under
GPLv3~\S6(d).  (Note: this does not change nor impact any obligations under
GPLv3~\S6(b)(2); GPLv3~\S6(d) is a wholly different provision.)

\subsection{GPLv3~\S6(e): Peer-to-Peer Sharing Networks}

Certain decentralized forms of peer-to-peer file sharing present a challenge
to the unidirectional view of distribution that is implicit in GPLv2 and
Draft 1 of GPLv3.  Identification of an upstream/downstream link in
BitTorrent distribution is neither straightforward nor reasonable; such
distribution is multidirectional, cooperative and anonymous.  In peer-to-peer
distribution systems, participants act both as transmitters and recipients of
blocks of a particular file, but they perceive the experience merely as users
and receivers, and not as distributors in any conventional sense.  At any
given moment of time, most peers will not have the complete file.

Meanwhile, GPLv3~\S6(d) permits distribution of a work in object code form
over a network, provided that the distributor offers equivalent access to
copy the Corresponding Source Code ``in the same way through the same
place''.  This wording might be interpreted to permit peer-to-peer
distribution of binaries \textit{if} they are packaged together with the CCS,
but such packaging impractical, for at least three reasons.  First, even if
the CCS is packaged with the object code, it will only be available to a
non-seeding peer at the end of the distribution process, but the peer will
already have been providing parts of the binary to others in the network.
Second, in practice, peer-to-peer forms of transmission are poorly suited
means for distributing CCS.  In large distributions, packaging CCS with the
object code may result in a substantial increase in file size and
transmission time.  Third, in current practice, CCS packages themselves tend
\textit{not} to be transmitted through BitTorrent --- owing to reduced demand
-- thus, there generally will be too few participants downloading the same
source package at the same time to enable effective seeding and distribution.

GPLv3~\S6(e) addresses this issues.  If a licensee conveys such a work of
object code using peer-to-peer transmission, that licensee is in compliance
with GPLv3~\S6 if the licensee informs other peers where the object code and
its CCS are publicly available at no charge under subsection GPLv3~\S6(d).
The CCS therefore need not be provided through the peer-to-peer system that
was used for providing the binary.

Second, GPLv3\S9 also clarifies that ancillary propagation of a covered work
that occurs as part of the process of peer-to-peer file transmission does not
require acceptance, just as mere receipt and execution of the Program does
not require acceptance.  Such ancillary propagation is permitted without
limitation or further obligation.

% FIXME-LATER: Would be nice to explain much more about interactions between
% the various options of GPLv3~\S6(a-e), which might all be in play at once!

\subsection{User Products, Installation Information and Device Lock-Down}

As discussed in \S~\ref{GPLv3-drm} of this tutorial, GPLv3 seeks thwart
technical measures such as signature checks in hardware to prevent
modification of GPL'd software on a device.

To address this issue, GPLv3~\S6 requires that parties distributing object
code provide recipients with the source code through certain means.  When
those distributors pass on the CCS, they are also required to pass on any
information or data necessary to install modified software on the particular
device that included it.  (This strategy is not unlike that used in LGPLv2.1
to enable users to link proprietary programs to modified libraries.)

% FIXME-LATER: LGPLv2.1 section should talk about this explicitly and this
%              should be a forward reference here

\subsubsection{User Products}


The scope of these requirements are narrow.  GPLv3~\S6 introduces the concept
of a ``User Product'', which includes devices that are sold for personal,
family, or household use.  Distributors are only required to provide
Installation Information when they convey object code in a User Product.

In brief, the right to convey object code in a defined class of ``User
Products,'' under certain circumstances, on providing whatever information is
required to enable a recipient to replace the object code with a functioning
modified version.

This was a compromise that was difficult for the FSF to agree to during the
GPLv3 drafting process.  However, companies and governments that use
specialized or enterprise-level computer facilities reported that they
actually \textit{want} their systems not to be under their own control.
Rather than agreeing to this as a concession, or bowing to pressure, they ask
for this as a \textit{preference}.  It is not clear that the GPL should interfere
here, since the main problem lies elsewhere.

While imposing technical barriers to modification is wrong regardless of
circumstances, the areas where restricted devices are of the greatest
practical concern today fall within the User Product definition.  Most, if
not all, technically-restricted devices running GPL-covered programs are
consumer electronics devices.  Moreover, the disparity in clout between the
manufacturers and these users makes it difficult for the users to reject
technical restrictions through their weak and unorganized market power.  Even
limited to User Products, this provision addresses the fundamental problem.

% FIXME-LATER: link \href to USC 2301

The core of the User Product definition is a subdefinition of ``consumer
product'' adapted from the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, a federal
consumer protection law in the USA found in 15~USC~\S2301: ``any tangible
personal property which is normally used for personal, family, or household
purposes.''  The USA has had three decades of experience of liberal
judicial and administrative interpretation of this definition in a manner
favorable to consumer rights.\footnote{The Magnuson-Moss consumer product
  definition itself has been influential in the USA and Canada, having been
  adopted in several state and provincial consumer protection laws.}
Ideally, this body of interpretation\footnote{The FSF, however, was very
  clear that incorporation of such legal interpretation was in no way
  intended work as a general choice of USA law for GPLv3.} will guide
interpretation of the consumer product subdefinition in GPLv3~\S6, and this
will hopefully provide a degree of legal certainty advantageous to device
manufacturers and downstream licensees alike.

One well-established interpretive principle under Magnuson-Moss is that
ambiguities are resolved in favor of coverage.  That is, in cases where
it is not clear whether a product falls under the definition of consumer
product, the product will be treated as a consumer product.\footnote{16
CFR~\S\ 700.1(a); \textit{McFadden v.~Dryvit Systems, Inc.}, 54
UCC~Rep.~Serv.2d 934 (D.~Ore.~2004).}  Moreover, for a given product,
``normally used'' is understood to refer to the typical use of that type
of product, rather than a particular use by a particular buyer.
Products that are commonly used for personal as well as commercial
purposes are consumer products, even if the person invoking rights is a
commercial entity intending to use the product for commercial
purposes.\footnote{16 CFR \S \ 700.1(a).  Numerous court decisions
interpreting Magnuson-Moss are in accord; see, e.g., \textit{Stroebner
Motors, Inc.~v.~Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A.}, 459 F.~Supp.2d 1028,
1033 (D.~Hawaii 2006).}  Even a small amount of ``normal'' personal use
is enough to cause an entire product line to be treated as a consumer
product under Magnuson-Moss\footnote{\textit{Tandy Corp.~v.~Marymac
Industries, Inc.}, 213 U.S.P.Q.~702 (S.D.~Tex.~1981). In this case, the
court concluded that TRS-80 microcomputers were consumer products, where
such computers were designed and advertised for a variety of users,
including small businesses and schools, and had only recently been
promoted for use in the home.}.

However, Magnuson-Moss is not a perfect fit because in the area of components
of dwellings, the settled interpretation under Magnuson-Moss under-inclusive.
Depending on how such components are manufactured or sold, they may or may
not be considered Magnuson-Moss consumer products.\footnote{Building
  materials that are purchased directly by a consumer from a retailer, for
  improving or modifying an existing dwelling, are consumer products under
  Magnuson-Moss, but building materials that are integral component parts of
  the structure of a dwelling at the time that the consumer buys the dwelling
  are not consumer products. 16 C.F.R.~\S\S~700.1(c)--(f); Federal Trade
  Commission, Final Action Concerning Review of Interpretations of
  Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, 64 Fed.~Reg.~19,700 (April 22, 1999); see also,
  e.g., \textit{McFadden}, 54 U.C.C.~Rep.~Serv.2d at 934.}  Therefore, GPLv3
defines User Products as a superset of consumer products that also includes
``anything designed or sold for incorporation into a dwelling.''

Thus, the three sentences in the center of GPLv3's User Product definition
encapsulate the judicial and administrative principles established over the
past three decades in the USA concerning the Magnuson-Moss consumer product
definition.  First, it states that doubtful cases are resolved in favor of
coverage under the definition.  Second, it indicate that the words ``normally
used'' in the consumer product definition refer to a typical or common use of
a class of product, and not the status of a particular user or expected or
actual uses by a particular user.  Third, it clearly states that the
existence of substantial non-consumer uses of a product does not negate a
determination that it is a consumer product, unless such non-consumer uses
represent the only significant mode of use of that product.

It should be clear from these added sentences that it is the general mode of
use of a product that determines objectively whether or not it is a consumer
product.  One could not escape the effects of the User Products provisions by
labeling what is demonstrably a consumer product in ways that suggest it is
``for professionals'', for example.


\subsubsection{Installation Information}

With the User Products definition complete,  The ``Installation Information''
definition uses that to define what those receiving object code inside a User
Product must receive.

Installation Information is information that is ``required to install and
execute modified versions of a covered work \dots from a modified version of
its'' CCS, in the same User Product for which the covered work is conveyed.
GPLv3 provides guidance concerning how much information must be provided: it
``must suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified
object code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
modification has been made.''  For example, the information provided would be
insufficient if it enabled a modified version to run only in a disabled
fashion, solely because of the fact of modification (regardless of the actual
nature of the modification).  The information need not consist of
cryptographic keys; Installation Information may be ``any methods,
procedures, authorization keys, or other information''.

Note that GPLv3 does not define ``continued functioning'' further.  However,
GPLv3 does provide some additional guidance concerning the scope of
GPLv3-compliant action or inaction that distributors of
technically-restricted User Products can take with respect to a downstream
recipient who replaces the conveyed object code with a modified version.
First of all, GPLv3 makes clear that GPLv3 implies no obligation ``to
continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates'' for such a work.

Second, most technically-restricted User Products are designed to communicate
across networks.  It is important for both users and network providers to
know when denial of network access to devices running modified versions
becomes a GPL violation.  GPLv3 permits denial of access in two cases: ``when
the modification itself materially and adversely affects the operation of the
network,'' and when the modification itself ``violates the rules and
protocols for communication across the network''.  The second case is
deliberately drawn in general terms, and it serves as a foundation for
reasonable enforcement policies that respect recipients' right to modify
while recognizing the legitimate interests of network providers.

Note that GPLv3 permits the practice of conveying object code in a mode not
practically susceptible to modification by any party, such as code burned in
ROM or embedded in silicon.  The goal of the Installation Information
requirement is to ensure the downstream licensee receives the real right to
modify when the device manufacturer or some other party retains that right.
Accordingly, GPLv3\S6's ante-penultimate paragraph states that the
requirement to provide Installation Information ``does not apply if neither
you nor any third party retains the ability to install modified object code
on the User Product''.

Finally, GPLv3\S6 makes it clear that there is also no requirement to
provide warranty or support for the User Product itself.

\subsection{GPLv3~\S7: Additional Permissions}

The GPL is a statement of permissions, some of which have conditions.
Additional terms --- terms that supplement those of the GPL --- may come to be
placed on, or removed from, GPL-covered code in certain common ways.
Copyleft licensing theorists have generally called
 those added terms ``additional permissions'' if they grant
exceptions from the conditions of the GPL, and ``additional requirements'' if
they add conditions to the basic permissions of the GPL\@. The treatment of
additional permissions and additional requirements under GPLv3 is necessarily
asymmetrical, because they do not raise the same interpretive
issues; in particular, additional requirements, if allowed without careful
limitation, could transform a GPL'd program into a non-free one.

With these principles in the background, GPLv3~\S7  answers the following
\item How do the presence of additional terms on all or part of a GPL'd program
affect users' rights?

\item When and how may a licensee add terms to code being
distributed under the GPL? 

\item When may a licensee remove additional terms?

Additional permissions present the easier case.  Since the mid-1990s,
permissive exceptions often appeared alongside GPLv2 to allow combination
with certain non-free code.  Typically, downstream
stream recipients could remove those exceptions and operate under pure GPLv2.
Similarly, LGPLv2.1 is in essence a permissive variant of GPLv2,
and it permits relicensing under the GPL\@.  

These practices are now generalized via GPLv3~\S7.
A licensee may remove any additional permission from
a covered work, whether it was placed by the original author or by an
upstream distributor.  A licensee may also add any kind of additional
permission to any part of a work for which the licensee has, or can give,
appropriate copyright permission. For example, if the licensee has written
that part, the licensee is the copyright holder for that part and can
therefore give additional permissions that are applicable to it.
Alternatively, the part may have been written by someone else and licensed,
with the additional permissions, to that licensee.  Any additional
permissions on that part are, in turn, removable by downstream recipients.
As GPLv3~\S7\P1 explains, the effect of an additional permission depends on
whether the permission applies to the whole work or a part.

% FIXME-LATER: LGPLv3 will have its own section

Indeed, LGPLv3 is itself simply  a list of additional permissions supplementing the
terms of GPLv3.  GPLv3\S7 has thus provided the basis for recasting a
formally complex license as an elegant set of added terms, without changing
any of the fundamental features of the existing LGPL\@.  LGPLv3 is thus  a model for developers wishing to license their works under the
GPL with permissive exceptions.  The removability of additional permissions
under GPLv3\S7 does not alter any existing behavior of the LGPL since the LGPL
has always allowed relicensing under the ordinary GPL\@.

\section{GPLv3~\S7: Understanding License Compatibility}

A challenge that faced the Free Software community heavily through out the
early 2000s was the proliferation of incompatible Free Software licenses.  Of
course, the GPL cannot possibly be compatible with all such licenses.
However, GPLv3
contains provisions that are designed to reduce license incompatibility by
making it easier for developers to combine code carrying non-GPL terms with
GPL'd code.

This license compatibility issue arises for
three reasons.  First, the GPL is a strong copyleft license, requiring
modified versions to be distributed under the GPL\@.  Second, the GPL states
that no further restrictions may be placed on the rights of recipients.
Third, all other software freedom respecting licenses in common contain certain
requirements, many of which are not conditions made by the GPL\@.  Thus, when
GPL'd code is modified by combination with code covered by another formal
license that specifies other requirements, and that modified code is then
distributed to others, the freedom of recipients may be burdened by
additional requirements in violation of the GPL.  It can be seen that
additional permissions in other licenses do not raise any problems of license

GPLv3  took a new approach to the issue of combining GPL'd code with
code governed by the terms of other software freedom licenses.  Traditional
GPLv2 license compatibility theory (which was not explicitly stated in GPLv2
itself, but treated as a license interpretation matter by the FSF) held that GPLv2 allowed such
combinations only if the non-GPL licensing terms permitted distribution under
the GPL and imposed no restrictions on the code that were not also imposed by
the GPL\@.  In practice, the FSF historically supplemented that policy with a structure of
exceptions for certain kinds of combinations.

GPLv3~\S7  implements a more explicit policy on license
compatibility.  It formalizes the circumstances under which a licensee may
release a covered work that includes an added part carrying non-GPL terms. 
GPLv3~\S7 distinguish between terms that provide additional permissions, and terms that
place additional requirements on the code, relative to the permissions and
requirements established by applying the GPL to the code.

As discussed in the previous section of this tutorial, GPLv3~\S7 first and foremost explicitly allows added parts covered by terms with
additional permissions to be combined with GPL'd code. This codifies the
existing practice of regarding such licensing terms as compatible with the
GPL\@. A downstream user of a combined GPL'd work who modifies such an added
part may remove the additional permissions, in which case the broader
permissions no longer apply to the modified version, and only the terms of
the GPL apply to it.

In its treatment of terms that impose additional requirements, GPLv3\S7
extends the range of licensing terms with which the GPL is compatible.  An
added part carrying additional requirements may be combined with GPL'd code,
but only if those requirements belong to an set enumerated in GPLv3\S7. There
are, of course,  limits on the acceptable additional requirements, which to
are, of course,  limits on the acceptable additional requirements, which 
ensures that enhanced license compatibility does not
defeat the broader software-freedom-defending terms of the GPL\@. Unlike terms that grant
additional permissions, terms that impose additional requirements cannot be
removed by a downstream user of the combined GPL'd work, because only in the
pathological case\footnote{Theoretically, a user could collect copyright
  assignment from all known contributors and then do this, but this would
  indeed be the pathological case.}  would a user have the right to do so.

% FIXME-LATER: It would be good to have detailed info on each of 7a-f.
%              Here's some commented-out text that might be useful for 7a-b

%% Under subsections 7a and 7b, the requirements may include preservation of
%% copyright notices, information about the origins of the code or alterations
%% of the code, and different warranty disclaimers. Under subsection 7c, the
%% requirements may include limitations on the use of names of contributors and
%% on the use of trademarks for publicity purposes. In general, we permit these
%% requirements in added terms because many free software licenses include them
%% and we consider them to be unobjectionable. Because we support trademark fair
%% use, the limitations on the use of trademarks may seek to enforce only what
%% is required by trademark law, and may not prohibit what would constitute fair
%% use.

% FIXME-LATER:  Say removing additional restrictions

% FIXME-LATER: This text may be useful later:

%% Some have questioned whether section 7 is needed, and some have suggested
%% that it creates complexity that did not previously exist.  We point out to
%% those readers that there is already GPLv2-licensed code that carries
%% additional terms.  One of the objectives of section 7 is to rationalize
%% existing practices of program authors and modifiers by setting clear
%% guidelines regarding the removal and addition of such terms.  With its
%% carefully limited list of allowed additional requirements, section 7
%% accomplishes additional objectives, permitting the expansion of the base of
%% code available for GPL developers, while also encouraging useful
%% experimentation with requirements we do not include in the GPL itself.

\section{GPLv3~\S8: A Lighter Termination}

GPLv2 provided for automatic termination of the rights of a person who
copied, modified, sublicensed, or distributed a work in violation of the
license.  Automatic termination can be too harsh for those who have committed
an inadvertent violation, particularly in cases involving distribution of
large collections of software having numerous copyright holders.  A violator
who resumes compliance with GPLv2 technically needs to obtain forgiveness
from all copyright holders, and even contacting them all might be impossible.

GPLv3~\S8 replaces now grants opportunities for provisional and permanent
GPLv3~\S8 now grants opportunities for provisional and permanent
reinstatement of rights. The termination procedure provides a limited
opportunity to cure license violations.  If a licensee has committed a
first-time violation of the GPL with respect to a given copyright holder, but
the licensee cures the violation within 30 days following receipt of notice
of the violation, then any of the licensee's GPL rights that have been
terminated by the copyright holder are ``automatically reinstated''.


Finally, if a licensee violates the GPL, a contributor may terminate any
patent licenses that it granted under GPLv3~\S11, in addition to any
copyright permissions the contributor granted to the licensee.

% FIXME-LATER: write more here, perhaps linking up to enforcement


\section{GPLv3~\S9: Acceptance}

GPLv3~\S9 means what it says: mere receipt or execution of code neither
requires nor signifies contractual acceptance under the GPL.  Speaking more
broadly, GPLv3 is intentionally structured our license as a unilateral grant
of copyright permissions, the basic operation of which exists outside of any
law of contract.  Whether and when a contractual relationship is formed
between licensor and licensee under local law do not necessarily matter to
the working of the license.

\section{GPLv3~\S10: Explicit Downstream License}

% FIXME-LATER: this is a punt: need more time to write!

GPLv3~\S10 ensures that everyone downstream receives licenses from all
copyright holders.  It really is a generally straightforward section.

% FIXME-LATER: link up this paragraph to above sections.

Note, however, GPLv3 removed the words ``at no charge'' from GPLv2~\S2(b) (in
GPLv3,~\S5(b)) because it contributed to a misconception that the GPL did not
permit charging for distribution of copies.  The purpose of the ``at no
charge'' wording was to prevent attempts to collect royalties from third
parties.  The removal of these words created the danger that the imposition
of licensing fees would no longer be seen as a license violation.  Therefore,
GPLv3~\S10 adds a new explicit prohibition on imposition of licensing fees or
royalties.  This section is an appropriate place for such a clause, since it
is a specific consequence of the general requirement that no further
restrictions be imposed on downstream recipients of GPL-covered code.

% FIXME-LATER: This text needs further study before I can conclude it belongs
% in this tutorial:

%% Careful readers of the GPL have suggested that its explicit prohibition
%% against imposition of further restrictions\footnote{GPLv2, section 6; Draft
%%   3, section 10, third paragraph.} has, or ought to have, implications for
%% those who assert patents against other licensees.  Draft 2 took some steps to
%% clarify this point in a manner not specific to patents, by describing the
%% imposition of ``a license fee, royalty, or other charge'' for exercising GPL
%% rights as one example of an impermissible further restriction.  In Draft 3 we
%% have clarified further that the requirement of non-imposition of further
%% restrictions has specific consequences for litigation accusing GPL-covered
%% programs of infringement.  Section 10 now states that ``you may not initiate
%% litigation (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging
%% that any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
%% sale, or importing the Program (or the contribution of any contributor).''
%% That is to say, a patent holder's licensed permissions to use a work under
%% GPLv3 may be terminated under section 8 if the patent holder files a lawsuit
%% alleging that use of the work, or of any upstream GPLv3-licensed work on
%% which the work is based, infringes a patent.

\section{GPLv3~\S11: Explicit Patent Licensing}

Software patenting is a harmful and unjust policy, and should be abolished;
recent experience makes this all the more evident. Since many countries grant
patents that can apply to and prohibit software packages, in various guises
and to varying degrees, GPLv3 seeks to protect the users of GPL-covered programs
from those patents, while at the same time making it feasible for patent
holders to contribute to and distribute GPL-covered programs as long as they
do not attack the users of those programs.

It is generally understood that GPLv2 implies some limits on a licensee's
power to assert patent claims against the use of GPL-covered works.
However, the patent licensing practices that GPLv2~\S7 (corresponding to
GPLv3~\S12) is designed to prevent is only one of several ways in which
software patents threaten to make free programs non-free and to prevent users
from exercising their rights under the GPL. GPLv3 takes a more comprehensive
approach to combating the danger of patents.

GPLv2~\S7 has seen some success in deterring conduct that would otherwise
result in denial of full downstream enjoyment of GPL rights, and thus it is
preserved in GPLv3~\S12.  Experience has shown that more is necessary,
however, to ensure adequate community safety where companies act in concert
to heighten the anticompetitive use of patents that they hold or license.

Therefore,  GPLv3 is designed to reduce the patent risks that distort and
threaten the activities of users who make, run, modify and share Free
Software.  At the same time, GPLv3 gives favorable consideration to practical
goals such as certainty and administrability for patent holders that
participate in distribution and development of GPL-covered software.  GPLv3's
policy requires each such patent holder to provide appropriate levels of
patent assurance to users, according to the nature of the patent holder's
relationship to the program.

\subsection{The Contributor's Explicit Patent License}

Specifically, the ideal might have been for GPLv3 to feature a patent license
grant triggered by all acts of distribution of GPLv3-covered works.  The FSF
considered it during the GPLv3 drafting process, but many patent-holding
companies objected to this policy.  They have made two objections: (1) the
far-reaching impact of the patent license grant on the patent holder is
disproportionate to the act of merely distributing code without modification
or transformation, and (2) it is unreasonable to expect an owner of vast
patent assets to exercise requisite diligence in reviewing all the
GPL-covered software that it provides to others.  Some expressed particular
concern about the consequences of ``inadvertent'' distribution.

The argument that the impact of the patent license grant would be
``disproportionate'',  that is to say unfair, is not valid. Since
software patents are weapons that no one should have, and using them for
aggression against free software developers is an egregious act (thus
preventing that act cannot be unfair). 

However, the second argument seems valid in a practical sense.  A
typical GNU/Linux distribution includes thousands of programs.  It would
be quite difficult for a redistributor with a large patent portfolio to
review all those programs against that portfolio every time it receives
and passes on a new version of the distribution.  Moreover, this question
raises a strategic issue. If the GPLv3 patent license requirements
convince patent-holding companies to remain outside the distribution
path of all GPL-covered software, then these requirements, no matter how
strong, will cover few patents. 

GPLv3 therefore makes a partial concession
which would lead these companies to feel secure in doing the
distribution themselves. GPLv3~\S11
applies only to those distributors that have
modified the program.  The other changes we have made in sections 10 and
11 provide strengthened defenses against patent assertion and compensate
partly for this concession. 

Therefore, GPLv3~\S11 introduces the terms ``contributor'', ``contributor version'', and
``essential patent claims'', which are
used in the GPLv3~\S11\P3.   Viewed from the perspective of a recipient of the
Program, contributors include all the copyright holders for the Program,
other than copyright holders of material originally licensed under non-GPL
terms and later incorporated into a GPL-covered work.  The contributors are
therefore the initial GPLv3 licensors of the Program and all subsequent
upstream licensors who convey, under the terms of GPLv3~\S5, modified covered
Thus, the ``contributor version'' includes the material the contributor has copied from the
upstream version that the contributor has modified.  GPLv3~\S11\P3
 does not apply to those that redistribute the program
without change.\footnote{An implied patent license from the distributor,
however, often arises.  See \S~\ref{gpl-implied-patent-grant} in this tutorial}
In other words, the ``contributor version'' includes not just
the material added or altered by the contributor, but also the pre-existing
material the contributor copied from the upstream version and retained in the
modified version.  (GPLv3's usage of ``contributor'' and ``contribution'' should
not be confused with the various other ways in which those terms are used in
certain other free software licenses\footnote{Cf., e.g., Apache License,
  version 2.0, section 1; Eclipse Public License, version 1.0, section 1;
  Mozilla Public License, version 1.1, section 1.1.}.)

Some details of the ``essential patent claims'' definition deserve special
mention.  ``Essential patent claims'', for a given party, are a subset of the
claims ``owned or controlled'' by the party.  They do include sublicensable
claims that have been licensed to the contributor by a third
party.\footnote{This issue is typically handled in other software freedom
  licenses having patent licensing provisions by use of the unhelpful term
  ``licensable,'' which is either left undefined or is given an ambiguous
  definition.}  Most commercial patent license agreements that permit
sublicensing do so under restrictive terms that are inconsistent with the
requirements of the GPL\@.  For example, some patent licenses allow the
patent licensee to sublicense but require collection of royalties from any
sublicensees.  The patent licensee could not distribute a GPL-covered program
and grant the recipient a patent sublicense for the program without violating
section 12 of GPLv3.\footnote{GPLv3 also provides an example in section 12
  that makes this point clear.}  In rare cases, however, a conveying party
can freely grant patent sublicenses to downstream recipients without
violating the GPL\@.

Additionally, ``essential patent claims'' are those patents ``that would be
infringed by some manner, permitted by this License, of making, using, or
selling the work''.  This intends to make clear that a patent claim is
``essential'' if some mode of usage would infringe that claim, even if there
are other modes of usage that would not infringe.

Finally, ``essential patent claims \ldots do not include
claims that would be infringed only as a consequence of further
modification of the work.''  The set of essential patent
claims licensed  is fixed by the
the particular version of the work that was contributed.  The claim set
cannot expand as a work is further modified downstream.  (If it could,
then any software patent claim would be included, since any software
patent claim can be infringed by some further modification of the
work.)\footnote{However, ``the work'' should not be understood to be
restricted to a particular mechanical affixation of, or medium for
distributing, a program, where the same program might be provided in
other forms or in other ways that may be captured by other patent claims
held by the contributor.}


Ideally, this contributor patent policy will result in fairly frequent licensing of patent
claims by contributors.  A contributor is charged with awareness of the fact
that it has modified a work and provided it to others; no act of contribution
should be treated as inadvertent.  GPLv3's rule also requires no more work, for a
contributor, than the weaker rule proposed by the patent holders.  Under
their rule, the contributor must always compare the entire work against its
patent portfolio to determine whether the combination of the modifications
with the remainder of the work cause it to read on any of the contributor's
patent claims.

\subsection{Conveyors' Patent Licensing}

The remaining patent licensing in GPLv3 deals with patent licenses that are
granted by conveyance.  The licensing is not as complete or far reaching at
the contributor patent licenses discussed in the preceding section.

The term ``patent license,'' as used in GPLv3~\S11\P4--6, is not meant to be
confined to agreements formally identified or classified as patent licenses.
GPLv3~\S11\P3  makes this clear by defining ``patent
license,'' for purposes of the subsequent three paragraphs, as ``any express
agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
sue for patent infringement)''

% FIME-LATER: I want to ask Fontana about this before adding it.

% The definition does not include patent licenses that arise by
% implication or operation of law, because the third through fifth paragraphs
% of section 11 are specifically concerned with explicit promises that purport
% to be legally enforceable.

GPLv3~\S11\P5 is commonly called GPLv3's downstream shielding provision.  It
responds particularly to the problem of exclusive deals between patent
holders and distributors, which threaten to distort the free software
distribution system in a manner adverse to developers and users.  The
fundamental idea is to make a trade-off between assuring a patent license for
downstream and making  (possibly patent-encumbered) CCS publicly available.

Simply put, in nearly all cases in which the ``knowingly relying'' test is
met, the patent license will indeed not be sublicensable or generally
available to all on free terms.  If, on the other hand, the patent license is
generally available under terms consistent with the requirements of the GPL,
the distributor is automatically in compliance, because the patent license
has already been extended to all downstream recipients.  Finally, if the
patent license is sublicensable on GPL-consistent terms, the distributor may
choose to grant sublicenses to downstream recipients instead of causing the
CCS to be publicly available.  (In such a case, if the distributor is also a
contributor, it will already have granted a patent sublicense anyway, and so
it need not do anything further to comply with the third paragraph.)

Admittedly, public disclosure of CCS is not necessarily required in by other
sections of the GPL, and the FSF in drafting GPLv3 did not necessarily wish
to impose a general requirement to make source code available to all, which
has never been a GPL condition.  However, many vendors who produce products
that include copylefted software, and who most likely to be affected by the
downstream shielding provision, lobbied for the addition of the source code
availability option, so it remains.

Meanwhile, two specific alternatives to the source code availability option
are also available. The distributor may comply by disclaiming the patent
license it has been granted for the conveyed work, or by arranging to extend
the patent license to downstream recipients\footnote{The latter option, if
  chosen, must be done ``in a manner consistent with the requirements of this
  License''; for example, it is unavailable if extension of the patent
  license would result in a violation of GPLv3~\S 12.}.  The GPL is intended
to permit private distribution as well as public distribution, and the
addition of these options ensures that this remains the case, even though it
remains likely that distributors in this situation will usually choose the
source code availability option.

Note that GPLv3~\S11\P5 is activated only if the CCS is not already otherwise
publicly available.  (Most often it will, in fact, already be available on
some network server operated by a third party.)  Even if it is not already
available, the option to ``cause the Corresponding Source to be so
available'' can then be satisfied by verifying that a third party has acted
to make it available.  That is to say, the affected distributor need not
itself host the CCS to take advantage of the source code availability option.
This subtlety may help the distributor avoid certain peculiar assumptions of

Note that GPLv3~\S11\P6--7 are designed to stop distributors from colluding with
third parties to offer selective patent protection.  GPLv3 is designed to
ensure that all users receive the same rights; arrangements that circumvent
this make a mockery of free software, and we must do everything in our power
to stop them.

First, GPLv3~\S11\P6 states that any license that protects some recipients of
GPL'd software must be extended to all recipients of the software.  
If conveyors arrange to provide patent
protection to some of the people who get the software from you, that
protection is automatically extended to everyone who receives the software,
no matter how they get it. 

Second, GPLv3~\S11\P7
prohibit anyone who made such an agreement from distributing software
released under GPLv3.    Conveyors are prohibited from
distributing software under GPLv3 if the conveyor makes an agreement of that
nature in the future.

The date in GPLv3~\S11\P7 likely seems arbitrary to those who did not follow
the GPLv3 drafting process.  This issue was hotly debated during the drafting of
GPLv3, but ultimately one specific deal of this type --- a deal between Microsoft
and Novell for Microsoft to provide so-called ``coupons'' to Microsoft customers to redeem
for copies of Novell's GNU/Linux distribution with a Microsoft patent license -- was
designed to be excluded.

The main reason for this was a tactical decision by the FSF.  FSF believed they can do more to
protect the community by allowing Novell to use software under GPLv3
than by forbidding it to do so.  This is because of
paragraph 6 of section 11 (corresponding to paragraph 4 in Draft 3).
It will apply, under the Microsoft/Novell deal, because of the coupons
that Microsoft has acquired that essentially commit it to participate
in the distribution of the Novell SLES GNU/Linux system.

The FSF also gave a secondary reason:  to avoid affecting other kinds of agreements for
other kinds of activities.  While GPLv3 sought to 
distinguish pernicious deals of the Microsoft/Novell type from
business conduct that is not particularly harmful, the FSF also did not
assume success in that drafting, and thus there remained some risk that other
unchangeable past agreements could fall within the  scope of GPLv3~\S11\P7.
In future deals, distributors engaging in ordinary business practices
can structure the agreements so that they do not fall under GPLv3~\S11\P7.

\section{GPLv3~\S12: Familiar as GPLv2~\S7}

GPLv2~\S12 remains almost completely unchanged from the text that appears
GPLv2~\S7.  This is an important provision that ensures a catch-all to ensure
that nothing ``surprising'' interferes with the continued conveyance safely
under copyleft.

The wording in the first sentence of GPLv3~\S12 has been revised slightly to
clarify that an agreement -- such as a litigation settlement agreement or a
patent license agreement -- is one of the ways in which conditions may be
``imposed'' on a GPL licensee that may contradict the conditions of the GPL,
but which do not excuse the licensee from compliance with those conditions.
This change codifies the historical interpretation of GPLv2.

GPLv3 removed the limited severability clause of GPLv2~\S7 as a
matter of tactical judgment, believing that this is the best way to ensure
that all provisions of the GPL will be upheld in court. GPLv3 also removed
the final sentence of GPLv2 section 7, which the FSF consider to be unnecessary.

\section{GPLv3~\S13: The Great Affero Compromise}

The Affero GPL was written with the expectation that its
additional requirement would be incorporated into the terms of GPLv3
itself.  Many software freedom advocates, including some authors of this
tutorial, advocated heavily for that, and fully expected it to happen.

The FSF, however, chose not to include the Affero clause in GPLv3, due to
what it called  ``irreconcilable views from
different parts of the community''.  Many
commercial users of Free Software were opposed to the inclusion of a
mandatory Affero-like requirement in the body of GPLv3 itself.  In fact, some
wealthier companies even threatened to permanently fund forks of many FSF
copyrighted-programs under GPLv2 if the Affero clause appeared in GPLv3.

Meanwhile, there was disagreement even among copyleft enthusiasts about the
importance of the provision.  A coalition never formed, and ultimately the
more powerful interest implicitly allied with the companies who deeply opposed
the Affero clause such that the FSF felt the Affero clause would need its own
license, but one compatible with GPLv3. 

GPLv3~\S13 makes GPLv3 compatible with the AGPLv3, so that at least code can
be shared between AGPLv3'd and GPLv3' projects, even if the Affero clause
does not automatically apply to all GPLv3'd works.

%FIXME-LATER:  no time to do this justice, will come back later, instead the

%% Some of this hostility seemed to be based on a misapprehension that
%% Affero-like terms placed on part of a covered work would somehow extend
%% to the whole of the work.\footnote{It is possible that the presence of
%% the GPLv2-derived copyleft clause in the existing Affero GPL contributed
%% to this misunderstanding.}  Our explanations to the contrary did little
%% to satisfy these critics; their objections to 7b4 instead evolved into a
%% broader indictment of the additional requirements scheme of section 7.
%% It was clear, however, that much of the concern about 7b4 stemmed from
%% its general formulation.  Many were alarmed at the prospect of GPLv3
%% compatibility for numerous Affero-like licensing conditions,
%% unpredictable in their details but potentially having significant
%% commercial consequences.

%% On the other hand, many developers, otherwise sympathetic to the policy
%% goals of the Affero GPL, have objected to the form of the additional
%% requirement in that license.  These developers were generally
%% disappointed with our decision to allow Affero-like terms through
%% section 7, rather than adopt a condition for GPLv3.  Echoing their
%% concerns about the Affero GPL itself, they found fault with the wording
%% of the section 7 clause in both of the earlier drafts.  We drafted 7b4
%% at a higher level than its Draft 1 counterpart based in part on comments
%% from these developers. They considered the Draft 1 clause too closely
%% tied to the Affero mechanism of preserving functioning facilities for
%% downloading source, which they found too restrictive of the right of
%% modification.  The 7b4 rewording did not satisfy them, however. They
%% objected to its limitation to terms requiring compliance by network
%% transmission of source, and to the technically imprecise or inaccurate
%% use of the phrase ``same network session.''

%% We have concluded that any redrafting of the 7b4 clause would fail to
%% satisfy the concerns of both sets of its critics.  The first group
%% maintains that GPLv3 should do nothing about the problem of public
%% use. The second group would prefer for GPLv3 itself to have an
%% Affero-like condition, but that seems to us too drastic. By permitting
%% GPLv3-covered code to be linked with code covered by version 2 of the
%% Affero GPL, the new section 13 honors our original commitment to
%% achieving GPL compatibility for the Affero license.

%% Version 2 of the Affero GPL is not yet published.  We will work with
%% Affero, Inc., and with all other interested members of our community, to
%% complete the drafting of this license following the release of Draft 3,
%% with a goal of having a final version available by the time of our
%% adoption of the final version of GPLv3.  We hope the new Affero license
%% will satisfy those developers who are concerned about the issue of
%% public use of unconveyed versions but who have concerns about the
%% narrowness of the condition in the existing Affero license.

%% As the second sentence in section 13 indicates, when a combined work is
%% made by linking GPLv3-covered code with Affero-covered code, the
%% copyleft on one part will not extend to the other part.\footnote{The
%% plan is that the additional requirement of the new Affero license will
%% state a reciprocal limitation.} That is to say, in such combinations,
%% the Affero requirement will apply only to the part that was brought into
%% the combination under the Affero license.  Those who receive such a
%% combination and do not wish to use code under the Affero requirement may
%% remove the Affero-covered portion of the combination.

Meanwhile, those who criticize the permission to link with code under the Affero
GPL should recognize that most other free software licenses also permit
such linking. 

\section{GPLv3~\S14: So, When's GPLv4?}

No substantive change has been made in section 14. The wording of the section
has been revised slightly to make it clearer.

It's unclear when the FSF might consider publishing GPLv4.  However, this
section makes it clear that the FSF is the sole authority who can decide

The main addition to this section allows a third-party proxy to be appointed
by contributors who wish someone else to make relicensing to new versions of
GPL when they are released.  This is a ``halfway'' point between using ``-only''
or ``-or-later'' by consolidating the decision-making on that issue to a
single authority.

% FIXME-LATER: better proxy description

\section{GPLv3~\S15--17: Warranty Disclaimers and Liability Limitation}

No substantive changes have been made in sections 15 and 16.

% FIXME-LATER: more, plus 17

% FIXME-LATER: Section header needed here about choice of law.

% FIXME-LATER: reword into tutorial

%% Some have asked us to address the difficulties of internationalization
%% by including, or permitting the inclusion of, a choice of law
%% provision.  We maintain that this is the wrong approach.  Free
%% software licenses should not contain choice of law clauses, for both
%% legal and pragmatic reasons.  Choice of law clauses are creatures of
%% contract, but the substantive rights granted by the GPL are defined
%% under applicable local copyright law. Contractual free software
%% licenses can operate only to diminish these rights.  Choice of law
%% clauses also raise complex questions of interpretation when works of
%% software are created by combination and extension.  There is also the
%% real danger that a choice of law clause will specify a jurisdiction
%% that is hostile to free software principles.

%% % FIXME-LATER: reword into tutorial, \ref to section 7.

%% Our revised version of section 7 makes explicit our view that the
%% inclusion of a choice of law clause by a licensee is the imposition of
%% an additional requirement in violation of the GPL.  Moreover, if a
%% program author or copyright holder purports to supplement the GPL with
%% a choice of law clause, section 7 now permits any licensee to remove
%% that clause.


% FIXME-LATER: does this need to be a section, describing how it was out then in
% then out then in? :)

Finally, the FSF shortened the section on ``How to Apply These
Terms to Your New Programs'' to just the bare essentials.

\chapter{The Lesser GPL}

As we have seen in our consideration of the GPL, its text is specifically
designed to cover all possible derivative works under copyright law. Our
goal in designing GPL was to make sure that any derivative work of GPL'd
software was itself released under GPL when distributed. Reaching as far
as copyright law will allow is the most direct way to reach that goal.

However, while the strategic goal is to bring as much Free Software
into the world as possible, particular tactical considerations
regarding software freedom dictate different means. Extending the
copyleft effect as far as copyright law allows is not always the most
prudent course in reaching the goal. In particular situations, even
those of us with the goal of building a world where all published
software is Free Software realize that full copyleft does not best
serve us. The GNU Lesser General Public License (``GNU LGPL'') was
designed as a solution for such situations.

\section{The First LGPL'd Program}

The first example that FSF encountered where such altered tactics were
needed was when work began on the GNU C Library. The GNU C Library would
become (and today, now is) a drop-in replacement for existing C libraries.
On a Unix-like operating system, C is the lingua franca and the C library
is an essential component for all programs. It is extremely difficult to
construct a program that will run with ease on a Unix-like operating
system without making use of services provided by the C library --- even
if the program is written in a language other than C\@. Effectively, all
user application programs that run on any modern Unix-like system must
make use of the C library.

By the time work began on the GNU implementation of the C libraries, there
were already many C libraries in existence from a variety of vendors.
Every proprietary Unix vendor had one, and many third parties produced
smaller versions for special purpose use. However, our goal was to create
a C library that would provide equivalent functionality to these other C
libraries on a Free Software operating system (which in fact happens today
on modern GNU/Linux systems, which all use the GNU C Library).

Unlike existing GNU application software, however, the licensing
implications of releasing the GNU C Library (``glibc'') under GPL were
somewhat different. Applications released under GPL would never
themselves become part of proprietary software. However, if glibc were
released under GPL, it would require that any application distributed for
the GNU/Linux platform be released under GPL\@.

Since all applications on a Unix-like system depend on the C library, it
means that they must link with that library to function on the system. In
other words, all applications running on a Unix-like system must be
combined with the C library to form a new whole derivative work that is
composed of the original application and the C library. Thus, if glibc
were GPL'd, each and every application distributed for use on GNU/Linux
would also need to be GPL'd, since to even function, such applications
would need to be combined into larger derivative works by linking with

At first glance, such an outcome seems like a windfall for Free Software
advocates, since it stops all proprietary software development on
GNU/Linux systems. However, the outcome is a bit more subtle. In a world
where many C libraries already exist, many of which could easily be ported
to GNU/Linux, a GPL'd glibc would be unlikely to succeed. Proprietary
vendors would see the excellent opportunity to license their C libraries
to anyone who wished to write proprietary software for GNU/Linux systems.
The de-facto standard for the C library on GNU/Linux would likely be not
glibc, but the most popular proprietary one.

Meanwhile, the actual goal of releasing glibc under GPL --- to ensure no
proprietary applications on GNU/Linux --- would be unattainable in this
scenario. Furthermore, users of those proprietary applications would also
be users of a proprietary C library, not the Free glibc.

The Lesser GPL was initially conceived to handle this scenario. It was
clear that the existence of proprietary applications for GNU/Linux was
inevitable. Since there were so many C libraries already in existence, a
new one under GPL would not stop that tide. However, if the new C library
were released under a license that permitted proprietary applications
to link with it, but made sure that the library itself remained Free,
an ancillary goal could be met. Users of proprietary applications, while
they would not have the freedom to copy, share, modify and redistribute
the application itself, would have the freedom to do so with respect to
the C library.

There was no way the license of glibc could stop or even slow the creation
of proprietary applications on GNU/Linux. However, loosening the
restrictions on the licensing of glibc ensured that nearly all proprietary
applications at least used a Free C library rather than a proprietary one.
This trade-off is central to the reasoning behind the LGPL\@.

Of course, many people who use the LGPL today are not thinking in these
terms. In fact, they are often choosing the LGPL because they are looking
for a ``compromise'' between the GPL and the X11-style liberal licensing.
However, understanding FSF's reasoning behind the creation of the LGPL is
helpful when studying the license.


\section{What's the Same?}

Much of the text of the LGPL is identical to the GPL\@. As we begin our
discussion of the LGPL, we will first eliminate the sections that are
identical, or that have the minor modification changing the word
``Program'' to ``Library.''

First, LGPLv2.1~\S1, the rules for verbatim copying of source, are
equivalent to those in GPLv2~\S1.

Second, LGPLv2.1~\S8 is equivalent GPLv2~\S4\@. In both licenses, this
section handles termination in precisely the same manner.

LGPLv2.1~\S9 is equivalent to GPLv2~\S5\@. Both sections assert that
the license is a copyright license, and handle the acceptance of those
copyright terms.

LGPLv2.1~\S10 is equivalent to GPLv2~\S6. They both protect the
distribution system of Free Software under these licenses, to ensure that
up, down, and throughout the distribution chain, each recipient of the
software receives identical rights under the license and no other
restrictions are imposed.

LGPLv2.1~\S11 is GPLv2~\S7. As discussed, it is used to ensure that
other claims and legal realities, such as patent licenses and court
judgments, do not trump the rights and permissions granted by these
licenses, and requires that distribution be halted if such a trump is
known to exist.

LGPLv2.1~\S12 adds the same features as GPLv2~\S8. These sections are
used to allow original copyright holders to forbid distribution in
countries with draconian laws that would otherwise contradict these

LGPLv2.1~\S13 sets up FSF as the steward of the LGPL, just as GPLv2~\S9
does for GPL. Meanwhile, LGPLv2.1~\S14 reminds licensees that copyright
holders can grant exceptions to the terms of LGPL, just as GPLv2~\S10
reminds licensees of the same thing.

Finally, the assertions of no warranty and limitations of liability are
identical; thus LGPLv2.1~\S15 and LGPLv2.1~\S16 are the same as GPLv2~\S11 and \S

As we see, the entire latter half of the license is identical.
The parts which set up the legal boundaries and meta-rules for the license
are the same. It is our intent that the two licenses operate under the
same legal mechanisms and are enforced precisely the same way.

We strike a difference only in the early portions of the license.
Namely, in the LGPL we go into deeper detail of granting various permissions to
create derivative works, so the redistributors can make
some proprietary derivatives. Since we simply do not allow the
license to stretch as far as copyright law does regarding what
derivative works must be relicensed under the same terms, we must go
further to explain which derivative works we will allow to be
proprietary. Thus, we'll see that the front matter of the LGPL is a
bit more wordy and detailed with regards to the permissions granted to
those who modify or redistribute the software.

\section{Additions to the Preamble}

Most of LGPL's Preamble is identical, but the last seven paragraphs
introduce the concepts and reasoning behind creation of the license,
presenting a more generalized and briefer version of the story with which
we began our consideration of LGPL\@.

In short, FSF designed LGPL for those edge cases where the freedom of the
public can better be served by a more lax licensing system. FSF doesn't
encourage use of LGPL automatically for any software that happens to be a
library; rather, FSF suggests that it only be used in specific cases, such
as the following:


\item To encourage the widest possible use of a Free Software library, so
  it becomes a de-facto standard over similar, although not
  interface-identical, proprietary alternatives

\item To encourage use of a Free Software library that already has
  interface-identical proprietary competitors that are more developed

\item To allow a greater number of users to get freedom, by encouraging
  proprietary companies to pick a Free alternative for its otherwise
  proprietary products


LGPL's preamble sets forth the limits to which the license seeks to go in
chasing these goals. LGPL is designed to ensure that users who happen to
acquire software linked with such libraries have full freedoms with
respect to that library. They should have the ability to upgrade to a newer
or modified Free version or to make their own modifications, even if they
cannot modify the primary software program that links to that library.

Finally, the preamble introduces two terms used throughout the license to
clarify between the different types of derivative works: ``works that use
the library,'' and ``works based on the library.''  Unlike GPL, LGPL must
draw some lines regarding derivative works. We do this here in this
license because we specifically seek to liberalize the rights afforded to
those who make derivative works. In GPL, we reach as far as copyright law
allows. In LGPL, we want to draw a line that allows some derivative works
copyright law would otherwise prohibit if the copyright holder exercised
his full permitted controls over the work.

\section{An Application: A Work that Uses the Library}

In the effort to allow certain proprietary derivative works and prohibit
others, LGPL distinguishes between two classes of derivative works:
``works based on the library,'' and ``works that use the library.''  The
distinction is drawn on the bright line of binary (or runtime) derivative
works and source code derivatives. We will first consider the definition
of a ``work that uses the library,'' which is set forth in LGPLv2.1~\S5.

We noted in our discussion of GPLv2~\S3 (discussed in
Section~\ref{GPLv2s3} of this document) that binary programs when
compiled and linked with GPL'd software are derivative works of that GPL'd
software. This includes both linking that happens at compile-time (when
the binary is created) or at runtime (when the binary -- including library
and main program both -- is loaded into memory by the user). In GPL,
binary derivative works are controlled by the terms of the license (in GPLv2~\S3),
and distributors of such binary derivatives must release full
corresponding source\@.

In the case of LGPL, these are precisely the types of derivative works
we wish to permit. This scenario, defined in LGPL as ``a work that uses
the library,'' works as follows:



\item A new copyright holder creates a separate and independent work,
  \worki{}, that makes interface calls (e.g., function calls) to the
  LGPL'd work, called \workl{}, whose copyright is held by some other
  party. Note that since \worki{} and \workl{} are separate and
  independent works, there is no copyright obligation on this new copyright
  holder with regard to the licensing of \worki{}, at least with regard to
  the source code.

\item The new copyright holder, for her software to be useful, realizes
  that it cannot run without combining \worki{} and \workl{}.
  Specifically, when she creates a running binary program, that running
  binary must be a derivative work, called \lplusi{}, that the user can

\item Since \lplusi{} is a derivative work of both \worki{} and \workl{},
  the license of \workl{} (the LGPL) can put restrictions on the license
  of \lplusi{}. In fact, this is what LGPL does.


We will talk about the specific restrictions LGPLv2.1 places on ``works
that use the library'' in detail in Section~\ref{lgpl-section-6}. For
now, focus on the logic related to how the LGPLv2.1 places requirements on
the license of \lplusi{}. Note, first of all, the similarity between
this explanation and that in Section~\ref{separate-and-independent},
which discussed the combination of otherwise separate and independent
works with GPL'd code. Effectively, what LGPLv2.1 does is say that when a
new work is otherwise separate and independent, but has interface
calls out to an LGPL'd library, then it is considered a ``work that
uses the library.''

In addition, the only reason that LGPLv2.1 has any control over the licensing
of a ``work that uses the library'' is for the same reason that GPL has
some say over separate and independent works. Namely, such controls exist
because the {\em binary combination\/} (\lplusi{}) that must be created to
make the separate work (\worki{}) at all useful is a derivative work of
the LGPLv2.1'd software (\workl{}).

Thus, a two-question test that will help indicate if a particular work is
a ``work that uses the library'' under LGPLv2.1 is as follows:


\item Is the source code of the new copyrighted work, \worki{}, a
  completely independent work that stands by itself, and includes no
  source code from \workl{}?

\item When the source code is compiled, does it create a derivative work
  by combining with \workl{}, either by static (compile-time) or dynamic
  (runtime) linking, to create a new binary work, \lplusi{}?

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