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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 10 years ago 2014-11-09 22:56:35
Slightly reword.
1 file changed with 1 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -852,97 +852,97 @@ and the entire software freedom community.

\section{Lessons Learned}

Companies that seek to redistribute copylefted software can benefit greatly
from ThinkPenguin's example.  Here are just a few of the many lessons that
can be learned here:


\item Even though copyleft licenses have them,
  \hyperref[thinkpenguin-included-ccs]{\bf avoid the offer-for-source
    provisions}.  Not only does including the CCS alongside binary
  distribution make violation investigation and compliance confirmation
  substantially easier, but also (and more importantly) doing so
  \hyperref[offer-for-source]{completes the distributor's CCS compliance
    obligations at the time of distribution} (provided, of course, that the
  distributor is otherwise in compliance with the relevant copyleft license).
\item {\bf Include top-level build instructions in a natural language (such
  as English) in a \hyperref[thinkpenguin-toplevel-readme]{clear and
    conspicuous place}.}  Copyleft licenses require that someone reasonably
  skilled in the art can reproduce the build and installation.  Typically,
  instructions written in English are necessary, and often easier than writing
  programmed scripts.  The ``script'' included can
  certainly be more like the script of a play and less like a Bash script.

\item {\bf Write build/install instructions to the appropriate level of
  specificity}.  The upstream engineers
  in this case study \hyperref[thinkpenguin-specific-host-system]{clearly did
    additional work to ensure functionality on a wide variety of host build
    systems}; this is quite rare.  When in doubt, include the maximum level
  of detail build engineers can provide with the CCS instructions, but also
  double-check to investigate if a more generalized solution (such as other
  host systems) work just as well for the build.

\item {\bf Seek to adhere to the spirit of copyleft, not just the letter of
  the license}.  Encouragement of users to improve and
  make their devices better is one of ThinkPenguin's commercial differentiators.  Copyleft advocates
  that other companies have undervalued the large and lucrative
  market of
  users who seek hackable devices.  By going beyond the
  mere minimal requirements of GPL, companies can immediately reap the
  benefits in that target market.

  \item Community-oriented enforcement organizations do not play ``gotcha''\footnote{For lack of a better
    phrase.} with distributors regarding GPL
    violations.  The goal in the GPL enforcement process is to achieve
    compliance and correct mistakes and annoyances.  Such organizations
    therefore take an ``innocent until proven guilty $\rightarrow$ guilty
    therefore take an ``innocent until proven guilty $\rightarrow$ assume guilty
    due to honest error rather than malicious action '' approach.  The goal
    is compliance (in direct contrast with
    the \hyperref[Proprietary Relicensing]{discussion in \S~\ref*{Proprietary Relicensing} about the
      proprietary relicensing} business model).

\chapter{Bortez: Modified GCC SDK}

In our first case study, we will consider Bortez, a company that
produces software and hardware toolkits to assist OEM vendors, makers
of consumer electronic devices.


One of Bortez's key products is a Software Development Kit (``SDK'')
designed to assist developers building software for a specific class of
consumer electronics devices.

FSF received a report that the SDK may be based on the GNU Compiler
Collection (which is an FSF-copyrighted collection of tools for software
development in C, C++ and other popular languages). FSF investigated the
claim, but was unable to confirm the violation. The violation reporter
was unresponsive to follow-up requests for more information.

Since FSF was unable to confirm the violation, we did not pursue it any
further. Bogus reports do happen, and we do not want to burden companies
with specious GPL violation complaints. FSF shelved the matter until
more evidence was discovered.

FSF was later able to confirm the violation when two additional reports
surfaced from other violation reporters, both of whom had used the SDK
professionally and noticed clear similarities to FSF's GNU GCC\@. FSF's
Compliance Engineer asked the reporters to run standard tests to confirm
the violation, and it was confirmed that Bortez's SDK was indeed a
modified version of GCC\@. Bortez had ported to Windows and added a number
of features, including support for a specific consumer device chipset and
additional features to aid in the linking process (``LP'') for those
specific devices. FSF explained the rights that the GPL afforded these
customers and pointed out, for example, that Bortez only needed to provide
source to those in possession of the binaries, and that the users may need
to request that source (if \S 3(b) was exercised). The violators
confirmed that such requests were not answered.

FSF brought the matter to the attention of Bortez, who immediately
escalated the matter to their attorneys. After a long negotiation,
Bortez acknowledged that their SDK was indeed a modified version of
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