Changeset - 38329c1b5a4e
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Mike Linksvayer (mlinksva) - 10 years ago 2014-11-16 15:38:11
"an set"
1 file changed with 2 insertions and 2 deletions:
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@@ -3470,34 +3470,34 @@ compatibility.  It formalizes the circumstances under which a licensee may
release a covered work that includes an added part carrying non-GPL terms. 
GPLv3~\S7 distinguish between terms that provide additional permissions, and terms that
place additional requirements on the code, relative to the permissions and
requirements established by applying the GPL to the code.

As discussed in the previous section of this tutorial, GPLv3~\S7 first and foremost explicitly allows added parts covered by terms with
additional permissions to be combined with GPL'd code. This codifies the
existing practice of regarding such licensing terms as compatible with the
GPL\@. A downstream user of a combined GPL'd work who modifies such an added
part may remove the additional permissions, in which case the broader
permissions no longer apply to the modified version, and only the terms of
the GPL apply to it.

In its treatment of terms that impose additional requirements, GPLv3\S7
extends the range of licensing terms with which the GPL is compatible.  An
added part carrying additional requirements may be combined with GPL'd code,
but only if those requirements belong to an set enumerated in GPLv3\S7. There
are, of course,  limits on the acceptable additional requirements, which 
but only if those requirements belong to a set enumerated in GPLv3\S7. There
are, of course, limits on the acceptable additional requirements, which 
ensures that enhanced license compatibility does not
defeat the broader software-freedom-defending terms of the GPL\@. Unlike terms that grant
additional permissions, terms that impose additional requirements cannot be
removed by a downstream user of the combined GPL'd work, because only in the
pathological case\footnote{Theoretically, a user could collect copyright
  assignment from all known contributors and then do this, but this would
  indeed be the pathological case.}  would a user have the right to do so.

In general, the types of additional requirements were those terms in regular
use by other non-copyleft Free Software licenses that the FSF found
unobjectionable.  The specific details GPLv3's permitted additional
requirements hat GPLv3 are as follows:


\item This provision allows alternative ``disclaimer of warranty''
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