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Mike Linksvayer (mlinksva) - 10 years ago 2014-11-16 15:35:50
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@@ -2049,193 +2049,193 @@ rights of a patent holder. Therefore, although the GPLv2 does not expressly
grant the licensee the right to do those things under any patents the
licensor may have that cover the software or its reasonably contemplated
uses, by licensing the software under the GPLv2, the distributor impliedly
licenses those patents to the GPLv2 licensee with respect to the GPLv2'd

An interesting issue regarding this implied patent license of GPLv2'd
software is what would be considered ``uses of the [software] to which
the parties might reasonably contemplate the product will be put.'' A
clever advocate may argue that the implied license granted by GPLv2 is
larger in scope than the express license in other Free Software
licenses with express patent grants, in that the patent license
clause of many of those other Free  Software licenses are specifically 
limited to the patent claims covered by the code as licensed by the patentee.

In contrast, a GPLv2 licensee, under the doctrine of implied patent license, 
is free to practice any patent claims held by the licensor that cover 
``reasonably contemplated uses'' of the GPL'd code, which may very well 
include creation and distribution of modified works since the GPL's terms, 
under which the patented code is distributed, expressly permits such activity.


Further supporting this result is the Federal Circuit's pronouncement that
the recipient of a patented article has, not only an implied license to
make, use, and sell the article, but also an implied patent license to
repair the article to enable it to function properly, Bottom Line Mgmt.,
Inc. v. Pan Man, Inc., 228 F.3d 1352 (Fed. Cir. 2000). Additionally, the
Federal Circuit extended that rule to include any future recipients of the
patented article, not just the direct recipient from the distributor.
This theory comports well with the idea of Free Software, whereby software
is distributed among many entities within the community for the purpose
of constant evolution and improvement. In this way, the law of implied
patent license used by the GPLv2 ensures that the community mutually
benefits from the licensing of patents to any single community member.

Note that simply because GPLv2'd software has an implied patent license does
not mean that any patents held by a distributor of GPLv2'd code become
worthless. To the contrary, the patents are still valid and enforceable
against either:


\item any software other than that licensed under the GPLv2 by the patent
  holder, and

\item any party that does not comply with the GPLv2
with respect to the licensed software.


For example, if Company \compA{} has a patent on advanced Web browsing, but
also licenses a Web browsing program under the GPLv2, then it
cannot assert the patent against any party based on that party's use of 
Company \compA{}'s GPL'd Web browsing software program, or on that party's
creation and use of modified versions of that GPL'd program.  However, if a
party uses that program without
complying with the GPLv2, then Company \compA{} can assert both copyright
infringement claims against the non-GPLv2-compliant party and
infringement of the patent, because the implied patent license only
extends to use of the software in accordance with the GPLv2. Further, if
Company \compB{} distributes a competitive advanced Web browsing program 
that is not a modified version of Company \compA{}'s GPL'd Web browsing software
program, Company \compA{} is free to assert its patent against any user or
distributor of that product. It is irrelevant whether Company \compB's
program is also distributed under the GPLv2, as Company \compB{} can not grant
implied licenses to Company \compA's patent.

This result also reassures companies that they need not fear losing their
proprietary value in patents to competitors through the GPLv2 implied patent
license, as only those competitors who adopt and comply with the GPLv2's
terms can benefit from the implied patent license. To continue the
example above, Company \compB{} does not receive a free ride on Company
\compA's patent, as Company \compB{} has not licensed-in and then
redistributed Company A's advanced Web browser under the GPLv2. If Company
\compB{} does do that, however, Company \compA{} still has not lost
competitive advantage against Company \compB{}, as Company \compB{} must then,
when it re-distributes Company \compA's program, grant an implied license
to any of its patents that cover the program. Further, if Company \compB{}
relicenses an improved version of Company A's program, it must do so under
the GPLv2, meaning that any patents it holds that cover the improved version
are impliedly licensed to any licensee. As such, the only way Company
\compB{} can benefit from Company \compA's implied patent license, is if it,
itself, distributes Company \compA's software program and grants an
implied patent license to any of its patents that cover that program.

\chapter{Defending Freedom on Many Fronts}

Chapters~\ref{run-and-verbatim} and~\ref{source-and-binary} presented the
core freedom-defending provisions of GPLv2\@, which are in GPLv2~\S\S0--3.
GPLv2\S\S~4--7 of the GPLv2 are designed to ensure that GPLv2~\S\S0--3 are
not infringed, are enforceable, are kept to the confines of copyright law but
also  not trumped by other copyright agreements or components of other
also not trumped by other copyright agreements or components of other
entirely separate legal systems.  In short, while GPLv2~\S\S0--3 are the parts
of the license that defend the freedoms of users and programmers,
GPLv2~\S\S4--7 are the parts of the license that keep the playing field clear
so that \S\S~0--3 can do their jobs.

\section{GPLv2~\S4: Termination on Violation}

GPLv2~\S4 is GPLv2's termination clause.  Upon first examination, it seems
strange that a license with the goal of defending users' and programmers'
freedoms for perpetuity in an irrevocable way would have such a clause.
However, upon further examination, the difference between irrevocability
and this termination clause becomes clear.

The GPL is irrevocable in the sense that once a copyright holder grants
rights for someone to copy, modify and redistribute the software under terms
of the GPL, they cannot later revoke that grant.  Since the GPL has no
provision allowing the copyright holder to take such a prerogative, the
license is granted as long as the copyright remains in effect.\footnote{In
  the USA, due to unfortunate legislation, the length of copyright is nearly
  perpetual, even though the Constitution forbids perpetual copyright.} The
copyright holders have the right to relicense the same work under different
licenses (see Section~\ref{Proprietary Relicensing} of this tutorial), or to
stop distributing the GPLv2'd version (assuming GPLv2~\S3(b) was never used),
but they may not revoke the rights under GPLv2 already granted.

In fact, when an entity loses their right to copy, modify and distribute
GPL'd software, it is because of their \emph{own actions}, not that of the
copyright holder.  The copyright holder does not decide when GPLv2~\S4
termination occurs (if ever); rather, the actions of the licensee determine

Under copyright law, the GPL has granted various rights and freedoms to
the licensee to perform specific types of copying, modification, and
redistribution.  By default, all other types of copying, modification, and
redistribution are prohibited.  GPLv2~\S4 says that if you undertake any of
those other types (e.g., redistributing binary-only in violation of GPLv2~\S3),
then all rights under the license --- even those otherwise permitted for
those who have not violated --- terminate automatically.

GPLv2~\S4 makes GPLv2 enforceable.  If licensees fail to adhere to the
license, then they are stuck without any permission under to engage in
activities covered by copyright law.  They must completely cease and desist
from all copying, modification and distribution of the GPL'd software.

At that point, violating licensees must gain the forgiveness of the copyright
holders to have their rights restored.  Alternatively, the violators could
negotiate another agreement, separate from GPL, with the copyright
holder.  Both are common practice, although
\tutorialpartsplit{as discussed in \textit{A Practical Guide to GPL
    Compliance}, there are }{Chapter~\ref{compliance-understanding-whos-enforcing}
  explains further} key differences between these two very different uses of GPL.

\section{GPLv2~\S5: Acceptance, Copyright Style}

GPLv2~\S5 brings us to perhaps the most fundamental misconception and common
confusion about GPLv2\@. Because of the prevalence of proprietary software,
most users, programmers, and lawyers alike tend to be more familiar with
EULAs. EULAs are believed by their authors to be contracts, requiring
formal agreement between the licensee and the software distributor to be
valid. This has led to mechanisms like ``shrink-wrap'' and ``click-wrap''
as mechanisms to perform acceptance ceremonies with EULAs.

The GPL does not need contract law to ``transfer rights.''  Usually, no rights
are transferred between parties.  By contrast, the GPL is primarily a permission
slip to undertake activities that would otherwise have been prohibited
by copyright law.  As such, GPL needs no acceptance ceremony; the
licensee is not even required to accept the license.

However, without the GPL, the activities of copying, modifying and
distributing the software would have otherwise been prohibited.  So, the
GPL says that you only accepted the license by undertaking activities that
you would have otherwise been prohibited without your license under GPL\@.
This is a certainly subtle point, and requires a mindset quite different
from the contractual approach taken by EULA authors.

An interesting side benefit to GPLv2~\S5 is that the bulk of users of Free
Software are not required to accept the license.  Undertaking fair and
unregulated use of the work, for example, does not bind you to the GPL,
since you are not engaging in activity that is otherwise controlled by
copyright law.  Only when you engage in those activities that might have an
impact on the freedom of others does license acceptance occur, and the
terms begin to bind you to fair and equitable sharing of the software.  In
other words, the GPL only kicks in when it needs to for the sake of

While GPL is by default a copyright license, it is certainly still possible
to consider GPL as a contract as well.  For example, some distributors chose
to ``wrap'' their software in an acceptance ceremony to the GPL, and nothing in
the GPL prohibits that use.  Furthermore, the ruling in \textit{Jacobsen
  v. Katzer, 535 F.3d 1373, 1380 (Fed.Cir.2008)} indicates that \textbf{both}
copyright and contractual remedies may be sought by a copyright holder
seeking to enforce a license designed to uphold software freedom.

% FIXME-LATER: Write this
@@ -2297,201 +2297,201 @@ their licenses issue directly from the copyright holder.  Second, automatic
termination cannot be cured by obtaining additional copies from an alternate
supplier: the license permissions emanate only from the original licensors,
and if they have automatically terminated permission, no act by any
intermediate license holder can restore those terminated
rights\footnote{While nearly all attorneys and copyleft theorists are in
  agreement on this point, German copyleft legal expert
  \href{}{Till Jaeger}
  vehemently disagrees.  Jaeger's position is as follows: under German
  copyright law, a new copy of GPL'd software is a ``fresh'' license under
  GPL, and if compliance continues from that point further, the violator's
  permissions under copyright law are automatically restored, notwithstanding
  the strict termination provision in \hyperref[GPLv2s4]{GPLv2~\S4}.
  However, in
  practice, this issue is only salient with regard to \hyperref[Proprietary
    Relicensing]{proprietary relicensing} business models, since other copyright
  holders typically formally restore distributions rights once the only
  remaining compliance issue is ``you lost copyright permission due to
  GPLv2~\S4''.  Therefore, the heated debates, which have raged between
  Jaeger and almost everyone else in the copyleft community for nearly a
  decade, regard an almost moot and wholly esoteric legal detail.}.

\section{GPLv2~\S7: ``Give Software Liberty or Give It Death!''}

In essence, GPLv2~\S7 is a verbosely worded way of saying for non-copyright
systems what GPLv2~\S6 says for copyright.  If there exists any reason that a
distributor knows of that would prohibit later licensees from exercising
their full rights under GPL, then distribution is prohibited.

Originally, this was designed as the title of this section suggests --- as
a last ditch effort to make sure that freedom was upheld.  However, in
modern times, it has come to give much more.  Now that the body of GPL'd
software is so large, patent holders who would want to be distributors of
GPL'd software have a tough choice.  They must choose between avoiding
distribution of GPL'd software that exercises the teachings of their
patents, or grant a royalty-free, irrevocable, non-exclusive license to
those patents.  Many companies have chosen the latter.

Thus, GPLv2~\S7 rarely gives software death by stopping its distribution.
Instead, it is inspiring patent holders to share their patents in the same
freedom-defending way that they share their copyrighted works.

\section{GPLv2~\S8: Excluding Problematic Jurisdictions}

GPLv2~\S8 is rarely used by copyright holders.  Its intention is that if a
particular country, say Unfreedonia, grants particular patents or allows
copyrighted interfaces (no country to our knowledge even permits those
yet), that the GPLv2'd software can continue in free and unabated
distribution in the countries where such controls do not exist.

As far as is currently known, GPLv2~\S8 has very rarely been formally used by
copyright holders.  Admittedly, some have used GPLv2~\S8 to explain various
odd special topics of distribution (usually related in some way to
GPLv2~\S7).  However, generally speaking, this section is not proven
particularly useful in the more than two decades of GPLv2 history.

Meanwhile, despite many calls by the FSF (and others) for those licensors who
explicitly use this section to come forward and explain their reasoning, no
one ever did.  Furthermore, research conducted during the GPLv3 drafting
process found exactly one licensor who had invoked this section to add an
explicit geographical distribution limitation, and the reasoning for that one
invocation was not fitting with FSF's intended spirit of GPLv2~\S8.  As such,
GPLv2~\S8 was not included at all in GPLv3.

\chapter{Odds, Ends, and Absolutely No Warranty}

GPLv2~\S\S0--7 constitute the freedom-defending terms of the GPLv2.  The remainder
of the GPLv2 handles administrivia and issues concerning warranties and

\section{GPLv2~\S9: FSF as Stewards of GPL}

FSF reserves the exclusive right to publish future versions of the GPL\@;
GPLv2~\S9 expresses this.  While the stewardship of the copyrights on the body
of GPL'd software around the world is shared among thousands of
individuals and organizations, the license itself needs a single steward.
Forking of the code is often regrettable but basically innocuous.  Forking
of licensing is disastrous.

(Chapter~\ref{tale-of-two-copylefts} discusses more about the various
versions of GPL.)

\section{GPLv2~\S10: Relicensing Permitted}

GPLv2~\S10 reminds the licensee of what is already implied by the nature of
copyright law.  Namely, the copyright holder of a particular software
program has the prerogative to grant alternative agreements under separate
copyright licenses.

\section{GPLv2~\S11: No Warranty}

Most warranty disclaimer language shout at you.  The
Most warranty disclaimer language shouts at you.  The
\href{}{Uniform Commercial
  Code~\S2-316} requires that disclaimers of warranty be ``conspicuous''.
There is apparently general acceptance that \textsc{all caps} is the
preferred way to make something conspicuous, and that has over decades worked
its way into the voodoo tradition of warranty disclaimer writing.

That said, there is admittedly some authority under USA law suggesting that
effective warranty disclaimers that conspicuousness can be established by
conspicuousness can be established by
capitalization and is absent when a disclaimer has the same typeface as the
terms surrounding it (see \textit{Stevenson v.~TRW, Inc.}, 987 F.2d 288, 296
(5th Cir.~1993)).  While GPLv3's drafters doubted that such authority would
apply to copyright licenses like the GPL, the FSF has nevertheless left
warranty and related disclaimers in \textsc{all caps} throughout all versions
of GPL\@\footnote{One of the authors of this tutorial, Bradley M.~Kuhn, has
  often suggested the aesthetically preferable compromise of a
  \textsc{specifically designed ``small caps'' font, such as this one, as an
  since the latter adds more ugliness than conspicuousness.  Kuhn once
  engaged in reversion war with a lawyer who disagreed, but that lawyer never
  answered Kuhn's requests for case law that argues THIS IS INHERENTLY MORE
  CONSPICUOUS \textsc{Than this is}.}.

Some have argued the GPL is unenforceable in some jurisdictions because
its disclaimer of warranties is impermissibly broad.  However, GPLv2~\S11
contains a jurisdictional savings provision, which states that it is to be
interpreted only as broadly as allowed by applicable law.  Such a
provision ensures that both it, and the entire GPL, is enforceable in any
jurisdiction, regardless of any particular law regarding the
permissibility of certain warranty disclaimers.

Finally, one important point to remember when reading GPLv2~\S11 is that GPLv2~\S1
permits the sale of warranty as an additional service, which GPLv2~\S11 affirms.

\section{GPLv2~\S12: Limitation of Liability}

There are many types of warranties, and in some jurisdictions some of them
cannot be disclaimed.  Therefore, usually agreements will have both a
warranty disclaimer and a limitation of liability, as we have in GPLv2~\S12.
GPLv2~\S11 thus gets rid of all implied warranties that can legally be
disavowed. GPLv2~\S12, in turn, limits the liability of the actor for any
warranties that cannot legally be disclaimed in a particular jurisdiction.

Again, some have argued the GPL is unenforceable in some jurisdictions
because its limitation of liability is impermissibly broad. However, \S
12, just like its sister, GPLv2~\S11, contains a jurisdictional savings
provision, which states that it is to be interpreted only as broadly as
allowed by applicable law.  As stated above, such a provision ensures that
both GPLv2~\S12, and the entire GPL, is enforceable in any jurisdiction,
regardless of any particular law regarding the permissibility of limiting

So end the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License.

\chapter{GPL Version 3}

This chapter discusses the text of GPLv3.  Much of this material herein
includes text that was adapted (with permission) from text that FSF
originally published as part of the so-called ``rationale documents'' for the
various discussion drafts of GPLv3.

The FSF ran a somewhat public process to develop GPLv3, and it was the first
attempt of its kind to develop a Free Software license this way.  Ultimately,
RMS was the primary author of GPLv3, but he listened to feedback from all
sorts of individuals and even for-profit companies.  Nevertheless, in
attempting to understand GPLv3 after the fact, the materials available from
the GPLv3 process have a somewhat ``drinking from the firehose'' effect.
This chapter seeks to explain GPLv3 to newcomers, who perhaps are familiar
with GPLv2 and who did not participate in the GPLv3 process.

Those who wish to drink from the firehose and take a diachronic approach to
GPLv3 study by reading the step-by-step public drafting process of the GPLv3 (which
occurred from Monday 16 January 2006 through Monday 19 November 2007) should
visit \url{}.

\section{Understanding GPLv3 As An Upgraded GPLv2}

Ultimately, GPLv2 and GPLv3 co-exist as active licenses in regular use.  As
discussed in Chapter~\ref{tale-of-two-copylefts}, GPLv1 was never regularly
used alongside GPLv2.  However, given GPLv2's widespread popularity and
existing longevity by the time GPLv3 was published, it is not surprising that
some licensors still prefer GPLv2-only or GPLv2-or-later.  GPLv3 gained major
adoption by many projects, old and new, but many projects have not upgraded
due to (in some cases) mere laziness and (in other cases) policy preference
for some of GPLv2's terms and/or policy opposition to GPLv3's terms.

Given this ``two GPLs world'' is reality, it makes sense to consider GPLv3 in
terms of how it differs from GPLv2.  Also, most of the best GPL experts in
the world must deal regularly with both licenses, and admittedly have decades
of experience with GPLv2 while the most experience with GPLv3 that's possible
is by default less than a decade.  These two factors usually cause even new
students of GPL to start with GPLv2 and move on to GPLv3, and this tutorial
follows that pattern.

Overall, the changes made in GPLv3 admittedly \textit{increased} the
complexity of the license.  The FSF stated at the start of the GPLv3 process
that they would have liked to oblige those who have asked for a simpler and
shorter GPL\@.  Ultimately, the FSF gave priority to making GPLv3 a better
copyleft license in the spirit of past GPL's.  Obsession for concision should
never trump software freedom.

The FSF had many different, important goals in seeking to upgrade to GPLv3.
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