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Free Software Foundation, Inc - 10 years ago 2014-03-19 14:51:10
Relevant text from FSF's "Opinion on Additional Terms" from circa 2006-07-27

I (Bradley M. Kuhn) carefully went through FSF's "Opinion on Additional
Terms", which appears to have been published on Wednesday 2 August 2006 (a
few days after the second GPLv2 discussion published on Thursday 27 July
2006), and merged in any relevant text and descriptions that might be of use
in this tutorial.

The raw material used for this commit can be found here:
Specifically, a copy of the LaTeX sources are here:

As I merged in this text, I added FIXME's where it seemed the text was
incomplete or referred to parts of GPLv3 draft text that disappeared in later

Finally, note that this material was originally copyrighted and licensed as

Copyright © 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article are permitted
worldwide, without royalty, in any medium, provided this notice, and the
copyright notice, are preserved.

However, I am hereby relicensing this material to CC-By-SA-4.0, with the
verbal permission from John Sullivan, Executive Director of the FSF, which
was given to me during a conference call on Wednesday 12 February 2014.
1 file changed with 121 insertions and 0 deletions:
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@@ -2359,452 +2359,573 @@ modifying and running the program. However, the right to privately modify and
run the program is terminated if the licensee brings a patent infringement
lawsuit against anyone for activities relating to a work based on the


\section{GPLv3~\S3: What Hath DMCA Wrought}

% FIXME: reference the section in DMCA about this, maybe already there in
%        GPLv2 section?

% FIXME: Wrong paragraph now.

The second paragraph of section 3 declares that no GPL'd program is part of
an effective technological protection measure, regardless of what the program
does. Ill-advised legislation in the United States and other countries has
prohibited circumvention of such technological measures. If a covered work is
distributed as part of a system for generating or accessing certain data, the
effect of this paragraph is to prevent someone from claiming that some other
GPL'd program that accesses the same data is an illegal circumvention.

\section{GPLv3~\S4: Verbatim Copying}

% FIXME: there appear to be minor changes here in later drafts, fix that.

Section 4 has been revised from its corresponding section in GPLv2 in light
of the new section 7 on license compatibility. A distributor of verbatim
copies of the program's source code must obey any existing additional terms
that apply to parts of the program. In addition, the distributor is required
to keep intact all license notices, including notices of such additional

\section{GPLv3~\S5: Modified Source}

% FIXME: 5(a) is slightly different in final version

Section 5 contains a number of changes relative to the corresponding section
in GPLv2. Subsection 5a slightly relaxes the requirements regarding notice of
changes to the program. In particular, the modified files themselves need no
longer be marked. This reduces administrative burdens for developers of
modified versions of GPL'd software.

Under subsection 5a, as in the corresponding provision of GPLv2, the notices
must state ``the date of any change,'' which we interpret to mean the date of
one or more of the licensee's changes.  The best practice would be to include
the date of the latest change.  However, in order to avoid requiring revision
of programs distributed under ``GPL version 2 or later,'' we have retained
the existing wording.

% FIXME:  It's now (b) and (c).  Also, ``validity'' of proprietary
%         relicensing?  Give me a break.  I'll fix that.

Subsection 5b is the central copyleft provision of the license.  It now
states that the GPL applies to the whole of the work.  The license must be
unmodified, except as permitted by section 7, which allows GPL'd code to be
combined with parts covered by certain other kinds of free software licensing
terms. Another change in subsection 5b is the removal of the words ``at no
charge,'' which was often misinterpreted by commentators.  The last sentence
of subsection 5b explicitly recognizes the validity of disjunctive

%  FIXME: 5d.  Related to Appropriatey Legal notices


% follows 5d now, call it the ``final paragraph''

The paragraph following subsection 5c has been revised for clarity, but the
underlying meaning is unchanged. When independent non-derivative sections are
distributed for use in a combination that is a covered work, the whole of the
combination must be licensed under the GPL, regardless of the form in which
such combination occurs, including combination by dynamic linking. The final
sentence of the paragraph adapts this requirement to the new compatibility
provisions of section 7.

\section{GPLv3~\S6: Non-Source and Corresponding Source}

Section 6 of GPLv3, which clarifies and revises GPLv2 section 3, requires
distributors of GPL'd object code to provide access to the corresponding
source code, in one of four specified ways. As noted above, ``object code''
in GPLv3 is defined broadly to mean any non-source version of a work.

% FIXME:  probably mostly still right, needs some updates, though.

Subsections 6a and 6b now apply specifically to distribution of object code
in a physical product. Physical products include embedded systems, as well as
physical software distribution media such as CDs. As in GPLv2, the
distribution of object code may either be accompanied by the machine-readable
source code, or it may be accompanied by a written offer to provide the
machine-readable source code to any third party. GPLv3 clarifies that the
medium for software interchange on which the machine-readable source code is
provided must be a durable physical medium. Subsection 6b does not prevent a
distributor from offering to provide source code to a third party by some
other means, such as transmission over a network, so long as the option of
obtaining source code on a physical medium is presented.

% FIXME:  probably mostly still right, needs some updates, though.

Subsection 6b revises the requirements for the written offer to provide
source code. As before, the offer must remain valid for at least three
years. In addition, even after three years, a distributor of a product
containing GPL'd object code must offer to provide source code for as long as
the distributor also continues to offer spare parts or customer support for
the product model. We believe that this is a reasonable and appropriate
requirement; a distributor should be prepared to provide source code if he or
she is prepared to provide support for other aspects of a physical product.

% FIXME: 10x language is gone.

Subsection 6b also increases the maximum permitted price for providing a copy
of the source code. GPLv2 stated that the price could be no more than the
cost of physically performing source distribution; GPLv3 allows the price to
be up to ten times the distributor's cost. It may not be practical to expect
some organizations to provide such copies at cost. Moreover, permitting such
organizations to charge ten times the cost is not particularly harmful, since
some recipient of the code can be expected to make the code freely available
on a public network server. We also recognize that there is nothing wrong
with profiting from providing copies of source code, provided that the price
of a copy is not so unreasonably high as to make it effectively unavailable.

% FIXME:  probably mostly still right, needs some updates, though.

Subsection 6c gives narrower permission than the corresponding subsection in
GPLv2.  The option of including a copy of an offer received in accordance
with subsection 6b is available only for private distribution of object code;
moreover, such private distribution is restricted to ``occasional
non-commercial distribution.''  This subsection makes clear that a
distributor cannot comply with the GPL merely by making object code available
on a publicly-accessible network server accompanied by a copy of the written
offer to provide source code received from an upstream distributor.

% FIXME:  probably mostly still right, needs some updates, though.

New subsection 6d, which revises the final paragraph of GPLv2 section 3,
addresses distribution of object code by offering access to copy the code
from a designated place, such as by enabling electronic access to a network
server.  Subsection 6d clarifies that the distributor must offer equivalent
access to copy the source code ``in the same way through the same place.''
This wording permits a distributor to offer a third party access to both
object code and source code on a single network portal or web page, even
though the access may include links to different physical servers.  For
example, a downstream distributor may provide a link to an upstream
distributor's server and arrange with the operator of that server to keep the
source code available for copying for as long as the downstream distributor
enables access to the object code.  This codifies what has been our
interpretation of GPLv2.

%FIXME: 6e, peer-to-peer


%  FIXME: Not final paragraph anymore. 

The final paragraph of section 6 takes account of the fact that the Complete
Corresponding Source Code may include added parts that carry non-GPL terms,
as permitted by section 7.

% FIXME: update lock-down section to work with more recent drafts

Though the definition of Complete Corresponding Source Code in the second
paragraph of section 1 is expansive, it is not sufficient to protect users'
freedoms in many circumstances. For example, a GPL'd program, or a modified
version of such a program, might need to be signed with a key or authorized
with a code in order for it to run on a particular machine and function
properly. Similarly, a program that produces digitally-restricted files might
require a decryption code in order to read the output.

The third paragraph of section 1 addresses this problem by making clear that
Complete Corresponding Source Code includes any such encryption,
authorization, and decryption codes. By requiring the inclusion of this
information whenever the GPL requires distribution of Complete Corresponding
Source Code, we thwart efforts to obstruct the goals of the GPL, and we
ensure that users will remain in control over their own machines. We
recognize an exception where use of the program normally implies that the
user already has the codes. For example, in secure systems a computer owner
might possess any keys needed to run a program, while the distributor of the
program might not have the keys.

% FIXME: installation information

%FIXME: publicly documented format

\section{Understanding License Compatibility}

% FIXME: more about license compatibility here.

A challenge that faced the Free Software community heavily through out the
early 2000s was the proliferation of incompatible Free Software licenses.  Of
course, we cannot make the GPL compatible with all such licenses. GPLv3
contains provisions that are designed to reduce license incompatibility by
making it easier for developers to combine code carrying non-GPL terms with
GPL'd code.

% FIXME: connecting text

\subsection{Additional Permissions}

The GPL is a statement of permissions, some of which have conditions.
Additional terms, terms that supplement those of the GPL, may come to be
placed on, or removed from, GPL-covered code in certain common ways.  We
consider those added terms ``additional permissions'' if they grant
exceptions from the conditions of the GPL, and ``additional requirements'' if
they add conditions to the basic permissions of the GPL. The treatment of
additional permissions and additional requirements under GPLv3 is necessarily
asymmetrical, because they do not raise the same ethical and interpretive
issues; in particular, additional requirements, if allowed without careful
limitation, could transform a GPL'd program into a non-free one.  With these
principles in the background, section 7 answers the following questions: (1)
How do the presence of additional terms on all or part of a GPL'd program
affect users' rights? (2) When and how may a licensee add terms to code being
distributed under the GPL? (3) When may a licensee remove additional terms?

% FIXME: FSF third person, etc.

Additional permissions present the easier case.  We have licensed some of our
own software under GPLv2 with permissive exceptions that allow combination
with non-free code, and that allow removal of those permissions by downstream
recipients; similarly, LGPLv2.1 is in essence a permissive variant of GPLv2,
and it permits relicensing under the GPL.  We have generalized these
practices in section 7.  A licensee may remove any additional permission from
a covered work, whether it was placed by the original author or by an
upstream distributor.  A licensee may also add any kind of additional
permission to any part of a work for which the licensee has, or can give,
appropriate copyright permission. For example, if the licensee has written
that part, the licensee is the copyright holder for that part and can
therefore give additional permissions that are applicable to it.
Alternatively, the part may have been written by someone else and licensed,
with the additional permissions, to that licensee.  Any additional
permissions on that part are, in turn, removable by downstream recipients.
As subsection 7a explains, the effect of an additional permission depends on
whether the permission applies to the whole work or a part.

% FIXME: rework this a bit

We have drafted version 3 of the GNU LGPL, which we have released with Draft
2 of GPLv3, as a simple list of additional permissions supplementing the
terms of GPLv3.  Section 7 has thus provided the basis for recasting a
formally complex license as an elegant set of added terms, without changing
any of the fundamental features of the existing LGPL.  We offer this draft of
LGPLv3 as as a model for developers wishing to license their works under the
GPL with permissive exceptions.  The removability of additional permissions
under section 7 does not alter any existing behavior of the LGPL; the LGPL
has always allowed relicensing under the ordinary GPL.

\subsection{Additional Requirements and License Compatibility}

% FIXME: minor rewrites needed

We broadened the title of section 7 because license compatibility, as it is
conventionally understood, is only one of several facets of the placement of
additional terms on GPL'd code.  The license compatibility issue arises for
three reasons.  First, the GPL is a strong copyleft license, requiring
modified versions to be distributed under the GPL.  Second, the GPL states
that no further restrictions may be placed on the rights of recipients.
Third, all other free software licenses in common use contain certain
requirements, many of which are not conditions made by the GPL.  Thus, when
GPL'd code is modified by combination with code covered by another formal
license that specifies other requirements, and that modified code is then
distributed to others, the freedom of recipients may be burdened by
additional requirements in violation of the GPL.  It can be seen that
additional permissions in other licenses do not raise any problems of license

% FIXME: minor rewrites needed

Section 7 relaxes the prohibition on further restrictions slightly by
enumerating, in subsection 7b, a limited list of categories of additional
requirements that may be placed on code without violating GPLv3.  The list
includes the items that were listed in Draft 1, though rewritten for clarity.
It also includes a new catchall category for terms that might not obviously
fall within one of the other categories but which are precisely equivalent to
GPLv3 conditions, or which deny permission for activities clearly not
permitted by GPLv3.  We have carefully considered but rejected proposals to
expand this list further.  We have also rejected suggestions, made by some
discussion committee members, that the Affero clause requirement (7d in Draft
1 and 7b4 in Draft 2) be removed, though we have revised it in response to
certain comments.  We are unwavering in our view that the Affero requirement
is a legitimate one, and we are committed to achieving compatibility of the
Affero GPL with GPLv3.

% FIXME: minor rewrites needed

A GPL licensee may place an additional requirement on code for which the
licensee has or can give appropriate copyright permission, but only if that
requirement falls within the list given in subsection 7b.  Placement of any
other kind of additional requirement continues to be a violation of the
license.  Additional requirements that are in the 7b list may not be removed,
but if a user receives GPL'd code that purports to include an additional
requirement not in the 7b list, the user may remove that requirement.  Here
we were particularly concerned to address the problem of program authors who
purport to license their works in a misleading and possibly
self-contradictory fashion, using the GPL together with unacceptable added
restrictions that would make those works non-free software.

\section{GPLv3~\S7: Explicit Compatibility}


% FIXME:  probably mostly still right, needs some updates, though.

In GPLv3 we take a new approach to the issue of combining GPL'd code with
code governed by the terms of other free software licenses. Our view, though
it was not explicitly stated in GPLv2 itself, was that GPLv2 allowed such
combinations only if the non-GPL licensing terms permitted distribution under
the GPL and imposed no restrictions on the code that were not also imposed by
the GPL. In practice, we supplemented this policy with a structure of
exceptions for certain kinds of combinations.

% FIXME:  probably mostly still right, needs some updates, though.

Section 7 of GPLv3 implements a more explicit policy on license
compatibility. It formalizes the circumstances under which a licensee may
release a covered work that includes an added part carrying non-GPL terms. We
distinguish between terms that provide additional permissions, and terms that
place additional requirements on the code, relative to the permissions and
requirements established by applying the GPL to the code.

% FIXME:  probably mostly still right, needs some updates, though.

Section 7 first explicitly allows added parts covered by terms with
additional permissions to be combined with GPL'd code. This codifies our
existing practice of regarding such licensing terms as compatible with the
GPL. A downstream user of a combined GPL'd work who modifies such an added
part may remove the additional permissions, in which case the broader
permissions no longer apply to the modified version, and only the terms of
the GPL apply to it.

% FIXME:  probably mostly still right, needs some updates, though.

In its treatment of terms that impose additional requirements, section 7
extends the range of licensing terms with which the GPL is compatible. An
added part carrying additional requirements may be combined with GPL'd code,
but only if those requirements belong to an set enumerated in section 7. We
must, of course, place some limit on the kinds of additional requirements
that we will accept, to ensure that enhanced license compatibility does not
defeat the broader freedoms advanced by the GPL. Unlike terms that grant
additional permissions, terms that impose additional requirements cannot be
removed by a downstream user of the combined GPL'd work, because no such user
would have the right to do so.

% FIXME:  probably mostly still right, needs some updates, though.

Under subsections 7a and 7b, the requirements may include preservation of
copyright notices, information about the origins of the code or alterations
of the code, and different warranty disclaimers. Under subsection 7c, the
requirements may include limitations on the use of names of contributors and
on the use of trademarks for publicity purposes. In general, we permit these
requirements in added terms because many free software licenses include them
and we consider them to be unobjectionable. Because we support trademark fair
use, the limitations on the use of trademarks may seek to enforce only what
is required by trademark law, and may not prohibit what would constitute fair

% FIXME: 7d-f

% FIXME:  removing additional restrictions

% FIXME:  probably mostly still right, needs some updates, though.

Section 7 requires a downstream user of a covered work to preserve the
non-GPL terms covering the added parts just as they must preserve the GPL, as
long as any substantial portion of those parts is present in the user's

% FIXME: minor rewrites needed

Section 7 points out that GPLv3 itself makes no assertion that an additional
requirement is enforceable by the copyright holder.  However, section 7 makes
clear that enforcement of such requirements is expected to be by the
termination procedure given in section 8 of GPLv3.

% FIXME: better context, etc.

Some have questioned whether section 7 is needed, and some have suggested
that it creates complexity that did not previously exist.  We point out to
those readers that there is already GPLv2-licensed code that carries
additional terms.  One of the objectives of section 7 is to rationalize
existing practices of program authors and modifiers by setting clear
guidelines regarding the removal and addition of such terms.  With its
carefully limited list of allowed additional requirements, section 7
accomplishes additional objectives, permitting the expansion of the base of
code available for GPL developers, while also encouraging useful
experimentation with requirements we do not include in the GPL itself.

\section{GPLv3~\S8: A Lighter Termination}

% FIXME:  probably mostly still right, needs some updates, though.

GPLv2 provided for automatic termination of the rights of a person who
copied, modified, sublicensed, or distributed a work in violation of the
license.  Automatic termination can be too harsh for those who have committed
an inadvertent violation, particularly in cases involving distribution of
large collections of software having numerous copyright holders.  A violator
who resumes compliance with GPLv2 would need to obtain forgiveness from all
copyright holders, but even to contact them all might be impossible.

% FIXME: needs to be updated to describe more complex termination

Section 8 of GPLv3 replaces automatic termination with a non-automatic
termination process.  Any copyright holder for the licensed work may opt to
terminate the rights of a violator of the license, provided that the
copyright holder has first given notice of the violation within 60 days of
its most recent occurrence. A violator who has been given notice may make
efforts to enter into compliance and may request that the copyright holder
agree not exercise the right of termination; the copyright holder may choose
to grant or refuse this request.

% FIXME: needs to be updated to describe more complex termination

If a licensee who is in violation of GPLv3 acts to correct the violation and
enter into compliance, and the licensee receives no notice of the past
violation within 60 days, then the licensee need not worry about termination
of rights under the license.

\section{GPLv3~\S9: Acceptance}


\section{GPLv3~\S10: Explicit Downstream License}


\section{GPLv3~\S11: Explicit Patent Licensing}

% FIXME:  probably needs a lot of work, these provisions changed over time.

GPLv3 adds a new section on licensing of patents. GPLv2 relies on an implied
patent license. The doctrine of implied license is one that is recognized
under United States patent law but may not be recognized in other
jurisdictions. We have therefore decided to make the patent license grant
explicit in GPLv3. Under section 11, a redistributor of a GPL'd work
automatically grants a nonexclusive, royalty-free and worldwide license for
any patent claims held by the redistributor, if those claims would be
infringed by the work or a reasonably contemplated use of the work.

% FIXME:  probably needs a lot of work, these provisions changed over time.

The patent license is granted both to recipients of the redistributed work
and to any other users who have received any version of the work. Section 11
therefore ensures that downstream users of GPL'd code and works derived from
GPL'd code are protected from the threat of patent infringement allegations
made by upstream distributors, regardless of which country's laws are held to
apply to any particular aspect of the distribution or licensing of the GPL'd

% FIXME:  probably needs a lot of work, these provisions changed over time.

A redistributor of GPL'd code may benefit from a patent license that has been
granted by a third party, where the third party otherwise could bring a
patent infringement lawsuit against the redistributor based on the
distribution or other use of the code. In such a case, downstream users of
the redistributed code generally remain vulnerable to the applicable patent
claims of the third party. This threatens to defeat the purposes of the GPL,
for the third party could prevent any downstream users from exercising the
freedoms that the license seeks to guarantee.

% FIXME:  probably needs a lot of work, these provisions changed over time.

The second paragraph of section 11 addresses this problem by requiring the
redistributor to act to shield downstream users from these patent claims. The
requirement applies only to those redistributors who distribute knowingly
relying on a patent license. Many companies enter into blanket patent
cross-licensing agreements. With respect to some such agreements, it would
not be reasonable to expect a company to know that a particular patent
license covered by the agreement, but not specifically mentioned in it,
protects the company's distribution of GPL'd code.

% FIXME: does this still fit with the final retaliation provision?

This narrowly-targeted patent retaliation provision is the only form of
patent retaliation that GPLv3 imposes by its own force. We believe that it
strikes a proper balance between preserving the freedom of a user to run and
modify a program, and protecting the rights of other users to run, modify,
copy, and distribute code free from threats by patent holders. It is
particularly intended to discourage a GPL licensee from securing a patent
directed to unreleased modifications of GPL'd code and then suing the
original developers or others for making their own equivalent modifications.

Several other free software licenses include significantly broader patent
retaliation provisions. In our view, too little is known about the
consequences of these forms of patent retaliation. As we explain below,
section 7 permits distribution of a GPL'd work that includes added parts
covered by terms other than those of the GPL. Such terms may include certain
kinds of patent retaliation provisions that are broader than those of section

\section{GPLv3~\S12: Familiar as GPLv2 \S 7}

% FIXME:  probably mostly still right, needs some updates, though.

The wording in the first sentence of section 12 has been revised
slightly to clarify that an agreement, such as a litigation settlement
agreement or a patent license agreement, is one of the ways in which
conditions may be ``imposed'' on a GPL licensee that may contradict the
conditions of the GPL, but which do not excuse the licensee from
compliance with those conditions.  This change codifies what has been
our interpretation of GPLv2.  

% FIXME:  probably mostly still right, needs some updates, though.

We have removed the limited severability clause of GPLv2 section 7 as a
matter of tactical judgment, believing that this is the best way to ensure
that all provisions of the GPL will be upheld in court. We have also removed
the final sentence of GPLv2 section 7, which we consider to be unnecessary.

\section{GPLv3~\S13: The Great Affero Compromise}


\section{GPLv3~\S14: So, When's GPLv4?}

% FIXME Say more

No substantive change has been made in section 14. The wording of the section
has been revised slightly to make it clearer.

% FIXME; proxy

\section{GPLv3~\S15--17: Warranty Disclaimers and Liability Limitation}

No substantive changes have been made in sections 15 and 16.

% FIXME: more, plus 17

\chapter{The Lesser GPL}

As we have seen in our consideration of the GPL, its text is specifically
designed to cover all possible derivative works under copyright law. Our
goal in designing GPL was to make sure that any derivative work of GPL'd
software was itself released under GPL when distributed. Reaching as far
as copyright law will allow is the most direct way to reach that goal.

However, while the strategic goal is to bring as much Free Software
into the world as possible, particular tactical considerations
regarding software freedom dictate different means. Extending the
copyleft effect as far as copyright law allows is not always the most
prudent course in reaching the goal. In particular situations, even
those of us with the goal of building a world where all published
software is Free Software realize that full copyleft does not best
serve us. The GNU Lesser General Public License (``GNU LGPL'') was
designed as a solution for such situations.

\section{The First LGPL'd Program}

The first example that FSF encountered where such altered tactics were
needed was when work began on the GNU C Library. The GNU C Library would
become (and today, now is) a drop-in replacement for existing C libraries.
On a Unix-like operating system, C is the lingua franca and the C library
is an essential component for all programs. It is extremely difficult to
construct a program that will run with ease on a Unix-like operating
system without making use of services provided by the C library --- even
if the program is written in a language other than C\@. Effectively, all
user application programs that run on any modern Unix-like system must
make use of the C library.

By the time work began on the GNU implementation of the C libraries, there
were already many C libraries in existence from a variety of vendors.
Every proprietary Unix vendor had one, and many third parties produced
smaller versions for special purpose use. However, our goal was to create
a C library that would provide equivalent functionality to these other C
libraries on a Free Software operating system (which in fact happens today
on modern GNU/Linux systems, which all use the GNU C Library).

Unlike existing GNU application software, however, the licensing
implications of releasing the GNU C Library (``glibc'') under GPL were
somewhat different. Applications released under GPL would never
themselves become part of proprietary software. However, if glibc were
released under GPL, it would require that any application distributed for
the GNU/Linux platform be released under GPL\@.

Since all applications on a Unix-like system depend on the C library, it
means that they must link with that library to function on the system. In
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