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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 10 years ago 2014-03-20 16:35:55
Rewrite this paragraph to fit the tutorial.
1 file changed with 6 insertions and 9 deletions:
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@@ -2629,201 +2629,198 @@ software freedom and the goals of copyleft.

The public GPLv3 drafting process sought to balance these positions of
copyleft advocates with various desperate views of the larger
Free-Software-using community.  Ultimately, FSF compromised to the GPLv3\S3
and GPLv3\S6 provisions that, taken together, are a minimalist set of terms
sufficient to protect the software freedom against the threat of invasive

The compromises made were ultimately quite reasonable.  The primary one is
embodied in GPLv3\S6's ``User Product'' definition (see \S~\ref{user-product}
in this tutorial for details).  Additionally, some readers of early GPLv3
drafts seem to have assumed GPLv3 contained a blanket prohibition on DRM; but
it does not.  In fact, no part of GPLv3 forbids DRM regarding non-GPL'd
works; rather, GPLv3 forbids the use of DRM specifically to lock-down
restrictions on users' ability to install modified versions of the GPL'd
software itself, but again, \textit{only} with regard to User Products.

Large enterprise users of free software often contract with non-employee
developers, often working offsite, to make modifications intended for
the user's private or internal use, and often arrange with other
companies to operate their data centers.  Whether GPLv2 permits these
activities is not clear and may depend on variations in copyright law.
The practices seem basically harmless, so we have decided to make it
clear they are permitted.


\section{GPLv3~\S3: What Hath DMCA Wrought}

As discussed in \S~\ref{software-and-non-copyright} of this tutorial,
\href{}{17 USC~\S1201} and
relate sections\footnote{These sections of the USC are often referred to as
  the ``Digital Millennium Copyright Act'', or ``DMCA'', as that was the name
  of the bill that so-modified these sections of the USC\@.} prohibits users
from circumventing technological measures that implement DRM\@.  Since this
is part of copyright law and the GPL is primarily a copyright license, and
since what the DMCA calls ``circumvention'' is simply ``modifying the
software'' under the GPL, GPLv3 must disclaim such anti-circumvention
provisions are not applicable to the GPLv3'd software.  GPLv3\S3 shields
users from being subjected to liability under anti-circumvention law for
exercising their rights under the GPL, so far as the GPL can do so.

First, GPLv3\S3\P1 declares that no GPL'd program is part of an effective
technological protection measure, regardless of what the program does.  Early
drafts of GPLv3\S3\P1 referred directly to the DMCA, but the final version
instead includes instead an international legal reference to
anticircumvention laws enacted pursuant to the 1996 WIPO treaty and any
similar laws.  Lawyers outside the USA worried that a USA statutory reference
could be read as indicating a choice for application of USA law to the
license as a whole.  While the FSF did not necessarily agree with that view,
the FSF decided anyway to refer to the WIPO treaty rather than DMCA, since
several national anticircumvention laws were (or will likely be) structured
more similarly to the anticircumvention provisions of the DMCA in their
implementation of WIPO\@.  Furthermore, the addition of ``or similar laws''
provides an appropriate catch-all.

Furthermore, GPLv3\S3\P2 states precisely that a conveying party waives the
power to forbid circumvention of technological measures only to the extent
that such circumvention is accomplished through the exercise of GPL rights in
the conveyed work.  GPLv3\S3\P2 makes clear that the referenced ``legal
rights'' are specifically rights arising under anticircumvention law.  and
refers to both the conveying party's rights and to third party rights, as in
some cases the conveying party will also be the party legally empowered to
enforce or invoke rights arising under anticircumvention law.

These disclaimers by each licensor of any intention to use GPL'd software to
stringently control access to other copyrighted works should effectively
prevent any private or public parties from invoking DMCA-like laws against
users who escape technical restriction measures implemented by GPL'd

\section{GPLv3~\S4: Verbatim Copying}

GPLv3~\S4 is a revision of GPLv2\~S1 (as discussed in \S~\ref{GPLv2s1} of
this tutorial).   There is almost no changes to this section from the
GPLv2\~S1, other than to use the new defined terms.

The only notable change of ``a fee'' to ``any price or no price'' in the
first sentence of GPLv3\S4\P2.  The GPLv2\S1\P1 means that the GPL permits
one to charge money for the distribution of software.  Despite efforts by
copyleft advocates to explain this in GPLv2 itself and in other documents,
there are evidently some people who still believe that GPLv2 allows charging
for services but not for selling copies of software and/or that the GPL
requires downloads to be gratis.  Perhaps this is because GPLv2 referred to
charging a ``fee''; the term ``fee'' is generally used in connection with

GPLv2's wording also referred to ``the physical act of transferring.''  The
intention was to distinguish charging for transfers from attempts to impose
licensing fees on all third parties.  ``Physical'' might be read, however, as
suggesting ``distribution in a physical medium only''.

To address these two issues, GPLv3 says ``price'' in place of ``fee,'' and
removes the term ``physical.''


%FIXME: what section does this belong in?

Section 4 has been revised from its corresponding section in GPLv2 in light
of the new section 7 on license compatibility. A distributor of verbatim
copies of the program's source code must obey any existing additional terms
that apply to parts of the program. In addition, the distributor is required
to keep intact all license notices, including notices of such additional
GPLv3~\S4 has also been revised from its corresponding section in GPLv2 in
light of the GPLv3~\S7 (see \S~\ref{GPLv3s7} in this tutorial for more).
Specifically, a distributor of verbatim copies of the program's source code
must obey any existing additional terms that apply to parts of the program
pursuant to GPLv3~\S7.  In addition, the distributor is required to keep
intact all license notices, including notices of such additional terms.

% FIXME: needs context, needs match up to current text, and removal of stuff
%        that's no longer there


% FIXME: say more and tie it to the text

There is no harm in explicitly pointing out what ought to be obvious: that
those who convey GPL-covered software may offer commercial services for the
support of that software.

\section{GPLv3~\S5: Modified Source}

% FIXME: 5(a) is slightly different in final version

Section 5 contains a number of changes relative to the corresponding section
in GPLv2. Subsection 5a slightly relaxes the requirements regarding notice of
changes to the program. In particular, the modified files themselves need no
longer be marked. This reduces administrative burdens for developers of
modified versions of GPL'd software.

Under subsection 5a, as in the corresponding provision of GPLv2, the notices
must state ``the date of any change,'' which we interpret to mean the date of
one or more of the licensee's changes.  The best practice would be to include
the date of the latest change.  However, in order to avoid requiring revision
of programs distributed under ``GPL version 2 or later,'' we have retained
the existing wording.

% FIXME:  It's now (b) and (c).  Also, ``validity'' of proprietary
%         relicensing?  Give me a break.  I'll fix that.

Subsection 5b is the central copyleft provision of the license.  It now
states that the GPL applies to the whole of the work.  The license must be
unmodified, except as permitted by section 7, which allows GPL'd code to be
combined with parts covered by certain other kinds of free software licensing
terms. Another change in subsection 5b is the removal of the words ``at no
charge,'' which was often misinterpreted by commentators.  The last sentence
of subsection 5b explicitly recognizes the validity of disjunctive

%  FIXME: 5d.  Related to Appropriatey Legal notices


% follows 5d now, call it the ``final paragraph''

The paragraph following subsection 5c has been revised for clarity, but the
underlying meaning is unchanged. When independent non-derivative sections are
distributed for use in a combination that is a covered work, the whole of the
combination must be licensed under the GPL, regardless of the form in which
such combination occurs, including combination by dynamic linking. The final
sentence of the paragraph adapts this requirement to the new compatibility
provisions of section 7.

We have added these words to the aggregation clause to eliminate any question
that GPLv3 alters the scope of the copyleft as understood and applied under
GPLv2. In GPLv3, as in GPLv2, addition of modules or other parts to a program
results in a new program based on the old program, with different functional
characteristics created by the merger of two expressions: the original
program and the added parts.  Such added parts are ``by their nature
extensions of'' the old program, and therefore the entire new program which
they and the old program form must be licensed under the GPL.  As subsection
5c states, packaging of a work has no bearing on the scope of copyleft.

\section{GPLv3~\S6: Non-Source and Corresponding Source}

Section 6 of GPLv3, which clarifies and revises GPLv2 section 3, requires
distributors of GPL'd object code to provide access to the corresponding
source code, in one of four specified ways. As noted above, ``object code''
in GPLv3 is defined broadly to mean any non-source version of a work.

% FIXME:  probably mostly still right, needs some updates, though.

Subsections 6a and 6b now apply specifically to distribution of object code
in a physical product. Physical products include embedded systems, as well as
physical software distribution media such as CDs. As in GPLv2, the
distribution of object code may either be accompanied by the machine-readable
source code, or it may be accompanied by a written offer to provide the
machine-readable source code to any third party. GPLv3 clarifies that the
medium for software interchange on which the machine-readable source code is
provided must be a durable physical medium. Subsection 6b does not prevent a
distributor from offering to provide source code to a third party by some
other means, such as transmission over a network, so long as the option of
obtaining source code on a physical medium is presented.

% FIXME:  probably mostly still right, needs some updates, though.

Subsection 6b revises the requirements for the written offer to provide
source code. As before, the offer must remain valid for at least three
years. In addition, even after three years, a distributor of a product
containing GPL'd object code must offer to provide source code for as long as
the distributor also continues to offer spare parts or customer support for
the product model. We believe that this is a reasonable and appropriate
requirement; a distributor should be prepared to provide source code if he or
she is prepared to provide support for other aspects of a physical product.
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