Changeset - 30e4942891c6
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 10 years ago 2014-11-19 17:56:28
Reword paragraph; Include ref: "standard requests"

Mostly these changes are wordsmith, but I added a note that violators
should ask for the "standard requests" for compliance to be adequate.
1 file changed with 8 insertions and 5 deletions:
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@@ -1123,64 +1123,65 @@ You are eligible for automatic reinstatement when:
\item you correct the violation and are not contacted by a copyright
  holder about the violation within sixty days after the correction, or

\item you receive, from a copyright holder, your first-ever contact
  regarding a GPL violation, and you correct that violation within thirty
  days of receipt of copyright holder's notice.

In addition to these permanent reinstatements provided under v3, violators
who voluntarily correct their violation also receive provisional
permission to continue distributing until they receive contact from the
copyright holder.  If sixty days pass without contact, that reinstatement
becomes permanent.  Nonetheless, you should be prepared to cease
distribution during those initial sixty days should you receive a
termination notice from the copyright holder.

Given that much discussion of v3 has focused on its so-called more
complicated requirements, it should be noted that v3 is, in this regard,
more favorable to violators than v2.

However, note that most Linux-based systems typically include some software
licensed under GPLv2-only, and thus the copyright holders have withheld
permission to redistribute under terms of GPLv3.  In larger aggregate
distributions which include GPLv2-only works (such as the kernel named
Linux), redistributors must operate as if termination is immediate and
permanent, since the technological remove of GPLv2-only works from the larger
distribution requires much more engineering work than the negotiation
required to seek restoration of rights for distribution under GPLv2-only
after permanent termination.

\chapter{Standard Requests}

As we noted above, different copyright holders have different requirements
for reinstating a violator's distribution rights.  Upon violation, you no
longer have a license under the GPL\@.  Copyright holders can therefore
set their own requirements outside the license before reinstatement of
rights.  We have collected below a list of reinstatement demands that
copyright holders often require.


\item {\bf Compliance on all Free Software copyrights}.  Copyright holders of Free Software
  often want a company to demonstrate compliance for all GPL'd software in
  a distribution, not just their own.  A copyright holder may refuse to
  reinstate your right to distribute one program unless and until you
  comply with the licenses of all Free Software in your distribution.
\item {\bf Notification to past recipients}.  Users to whom you previously
  distributed non-compliant software should receive a communication
  (email, letter, bill insert, etc.) indicating the violation, describing
  their rights under the GPL, and informing them how to obtain a gratis source
  distribution.  If a customer list does not exist (such as in reseller
  situations), an alternative form of notice may be required (such as a
  magazine advertisement).

\item {\bf Appointment of a GPL Compliance Officer.}  The software freedom community
  values personal accountability when things go wrong.  Copyright holders
  often require that you name someone within the violating company
  officially responsible for Free Software license compliance, and that this
  individual serve as the key public contact for the community when
  compliance concerns arise.

\item {\bf Periodic Compliance Reports.}  Many copyright holders wish to
@@ -1414,70 +1415,72 @@ while some might appropriately call
And, to finalize the analogy, there are indeed few
\href{}{grey hat} GPL enforcers.

Grey hat GPL enforcers usually have done some community-oriented GPL
enforcement themselves, typically working as a volunteer for a COGEO, but make
their living as a ``hired gun'' consultant to find GPL violations and offer
to ``fix them'' for companies.  Other such operators hold copyrights in some
key piece of copylefted software and enforce as a mechanism to find out who
is most likely to fund improvements on the software.

A few companies report that they have formed beneficial consulting or
employment relationships with developers they first encountered through
enforcement.  In some such cases, companies have worked with such consultants
to alter the mode of use of the project's code in the company's products.
More often in these cases, the communication channels opened in the course of
the inquiry served other consulting purposes later.

Feelings and opinions about this behavior are mixed within the larger
copyleft community.  Some see it as a reasonable business model and others
renounce it as corrupt behavior.  Regardless, a GPL
violator should always immediately determine the motivations of the
enforcer via documented, verifiable facts.  For example, COGEOs such as the FSF and Conservancy have made substantial
public commitments to enforce in a way that is uniform, transparent, and
publicly documented.  Furthermore, since these specific organizations are
public charities in the USA, they
are accountable to the IRS (and the public at large) in their annual Form 990
filings.   Everyone may examine their revenue models and scrutinize their

However, entities and individuals who do GPL enforcement centered primarily
around a profit motive are likely the most dangerous enforcement entities for
one simple reason: an agreement to comply fully with the GPL for past and
future products, which is always the paramount goal to COGEOs, may not be an
future products --- always the paramount goal to COGEOs --- may not suffice as
adequate resolution for a proprietary relicensing company or grey hat GPL
enforcer.  Therefore, violators are advised to consider carefully who has
made the enforcement inquiry and ask when and where they have made public
commitments and reports regarding their enforcement work, perhaps asking them
to directly mimic the detailed public disclosures done by COGEOs.
enforcer.  Therefore, violators must consider carefully who has
made the enforcement inquiry and ask when and where the enforcer made public
commitments and reports regarding their enforcement work and perhaps even ask
the enforcer to directly mimic CEOGEO's detailed public disclosures and
follow the \hypperref[enforcement-standard-requests]{standard requests for
  resolution} found in this document.


GPL compliance need not be an onerous process.  Historically, struggles
have been the result of poor development methodologies and communications,
rather than any unexpected application of the GPL's source code disclosure

Compliance is straightforward when the entirety of your enterprise is
well-informed and well-coordinated.  The receptionists should know how to
route a GPL source request or accusation of infringement.  The lawyers
should know the basic provisions of Free Software licenses and your source
disclosure requirements, and should explain those details to the software
developers.  The software developers should use a version control system
that allows them to associate versions of source with distributed
binaries, have a well-documented build process that anyone skilled in the
art can understand, and inform the lawyers when they bring in new
software.  Managers should build systems and procedures that keep everyone
on target.  With these practices in place, any organization can comply
with the GPL without serious effort, and receive the substantial benefits
of good citizenship in the software freedom community, and lots of great code
ready-made for their products.


% LocalWords:  redistributors NeXT's Slashdot Welte gpl ISC embedders BusyBox
% LocalWords:  someone's downloadable subdirectory subdirectories filesystem
% LocalWords:  roadmap README upstream's Ravicher's FOSSology readme CDs iPhone
% LocalWords:  makefiles violator's Michlmayr Stallman RMS GPL'd Harald LGPL
%%  LocalWords:  GPL's resellers copylefted sublicenses GPLv unmanaged MySQL
%%  LocalWords:  misassessments licensor COGEOs COGEO LGPLv CCS Requestors
%%  LocalWords:  codebase Yocto distributees COGEO's Coreboot ERP reseller
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