Changeset - 15ae6f3a175c
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 9 years ago 2015-03-10 02:05:18
Wordsmith this tortured text.
1 file changed with 2 insertions and 2 deletions:
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@@ -2524,26 +2524,26 @@ law.\footnote{(Ironically, most criticism of USA-specific legal
terminology in GPLv2's ``work based on the Program'' definition historically
came not primarily from readers outside the USA, but from those within
it.  The FSF noted in that it did not generally agree with these
  views, and expressed puzzlement by the energy with which they were
  expressed, given the existence of many other, more difficult legal issues
  implicated by the GPL.  Nevertheless, the FSF argued that it made sense to
  eliminate usage of local copyright terminology to good effect.}  GPLv2
always sought to cover all rights governed by relevant copyright law, in the
USA and elsewhere.
Even though differently-labeled concepts corresponding to the
derivative work are recognized in all copyright law systems, these
counterpart concepts might differ to some degree in scope and breadth from
the USA derivative work.  GPLv3 therefore takes the task of
internationalizing the license further by removing references to derivative
the USA derivative work.  GPLv3 therefore internationalizes
on this issue by removing GPLv2's references to derivative
works and by providing a more globally useful definition.
GPLv3 drops all reference to USA ``derivative works'' and returns
to the base concept only: GPL covers the licensed work and all works where
copyright permission from the licensed work's copyright holder.

The new definitions returns to the common elements of copyright law.  Copyright
holders of works of software have the exclusive right to form new works by
modification of the original --- a right that may be expressed in various
ways in different legal systems.  GPLv3 operates to grant this right to
successive generations of users (particularly through the copyleft conditions
set forth in GPLv3~\S5, as described later in this tutorial in its
\S~\ref{GPLv3s5}).  Here in GPLv3~\S0, ``modify'' refers to basic copyright
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