Changeset - 110f9ece935a
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 10 years ago 2014-03-21 16:53:20
Rewrote paragraphs on additional permissions.
1 file changed with 19 insertions and 20 deletions:
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@@ -3051,158 +3051,157 @@ cryptographic keys; Installation Information may be ``any methods,
procedures, authorization keys, or other information''.

Note that GPLv3 does not define ``continued functioning'' further.  However,
GPLv3 does provide some additional guidance concerning the scope of
GPLv3-compliant action or inaction that distributors of
technically-restricted User Products can take with respect to a downstream
recipient who replaces the conveyed object code with a modified version.
First of all, GPLv3 makes clear that GPLv3 implies no obligation ``to
continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates'' for such a work.

Second, most technically-restricted User Products are designed to communicate
across networks.  It is important for both users and network providers to
know when denial of network access to devices running modified versions
becomes a GPL violation.  GPLv3 permits denial of access in two cases: ``when
the modification itself materially and adversely affects the operation of the
network,'' and when the modification itself ``violates the rules and
protocols for communication across the network''.  The second case is
deliberately drawn in general terms, and it serves as a foundation for
reasonable enforcement policies that respect recipients' right to modify
while recognizing the legitimate interests of network providers.

Note that GPLv3 permits the practice of conveying object code in a mode not
practically susceptible to modification by any party, such as code burned in
ROM or embedded in silicon.  The goal of the Installation Information
requirement is to ensure the downstream licensee receives the real right to
modify when the device manufacturer or some other party retains that right.
Accordingly, GPLv3\S6's ante-penultimate paragraph states that the
requirement to provide Installation Information ``does not apply if neither
you nor any third party retains the ability to install modified object code
on the User Product''.

Finally, GPLv3\S6 makes it clear that there is also no requirement to
provide warranty or support for the User Product itself.

\section{Understanding License Compatibility}

% FIXME: more about license compatibility here.

A challenge that faced the Free Software community heavily through out the
early 2000s was the proliferation of incompatible Free Software licenses.  Of
course, we cannot make the GPL compatible with all such licenses. GPLv3
contains provisions that are designed to reduce license incompatibility by
making it easier for developers to combine code carrying non-GPL terms with
GPL'd code.

% FIXME: connecting text

\subsection{Additional Permissions}
\subsection{GPLv3~\S7: Additional Permissions}

The GPL is a statement of permissions, some of which have conditions.
Additional terms --- terms that supplement those of the GPL --- may come to be
placed on, or removed from, GPL-covered code in certain common ways.
Copyleft licensing theorists have generally called
 those added terms ``additional permissions'' if they grant
exceptions from the conditions of the GPL, and ``additional requirements'' if
they add conditions to the basic permissions of the GPL\@. The treatment of
additional permissions and additional requirements under GPLv3 is necessarily
asymmetrical, because they do not raise the same interpretive
issues; in particular, additional requirements, if allowed without careful
limitation, could transform a GPL'd program into a non-free one.

With these principles in the background, GPLv3~\S7  answers the following
\item How do the presence of additional terms on all or part of a GPL'd program
affect users' rights?

\item When and how may a licensee add terms to code being
distributed under the GPL? 

\item When may a licensee remove additional terms?

% FIXME: FSF third person, etc.

Additional permissions present the easier case.  We have licensed some of our
own software under GPLv2 with permissive exceptions that allow combination
with non-free code, and that allow removal of those permissions by downstream
recipients; similarly, LGPLv2.1 is in essence a permissive variant of GPLv2,
and it permits relicensing under the GPL.  We have generalized these
practices in section 7.  A licensee may remove any additional permission from
Additional permissions present the easier case.  Since the mid-1990s,
permissive exceptions often appeared alongside GPLv2 with permissive
exceptions to allow combination
with certain non-free code.  Typically, downstream
stream recipients could remove those exceptions and operate under pure GPLv2.
Similarly, LGPLv2.1 is in essence a permissive variant of GPLv2,
and it permits relicensing under the GPL\@.  

These practices are now generalized via GPLv3~\S7.
A licensee may remove any additional permission from
a covered work, whether it was placed by the original author or by an
upstream distributor.  A licensee may also add any kind of additional
permission to any part of a work for which the licensee has, or can give,
appropriate copyright permission. For example, if the licensee has written
that part, the licensee is the copyright holder for that part and can
therefore give additional permissions that are applicable to it.
Alternatively, the part may have been written by someone else and licensed,
with the additional permissions, to that licensee.  Any additional
permissions on that part are, in turn, removable by downstream recipients.
As subsection 7a explains, the effect of an additional permission depends on
As GPLv3~\S7\P1 explains, the effect of an additional permission depends on
whether the permission applies to the whole work or a part.

% FIXME: rework this a bit
% FIXME-LATER: LGPLv3 will have its own section

We have drafted version 3 of the GNU LGPL, which we have released with Draft
2 of GPLv3, as a simple list of additional permissions supplementing the
terms of GPLv3.  Section 7 has thus provided the basis for recasting a
Indeed, LGPLv3 is itself simply  a list of additional permissions supplementing the
terms of GPLv3.  GPLv3\S7 has thus provided the basis for recasting a
formally complex license as an elegant set of added terms, without changing
any of the fundamental features of the existing LGPL.  We offer this draft of
LGPLv3 as as a model for developers wishing to license their works under the
any of the fundamental features of the existing LGPL\@.  LGPLv3 is thus  a model for developers wishing to license their works under the
GPL with permissive exceptions.  The removability of additional permissions
under section 7 does not alter any existing behavior of the LGPL; the LGPL
has always allowed relicensing under the ordinary GPL.
under GPLv3\S7 does not alter any existing behavior of the LGPL since the LGPL
has always allowed relicensing under the ordinary GPL\@.

\subsection{Additional Requirements and License Compatibility}

% FIXME: minor rewrites needed

We broadened the title of section 7 because license compatibility, as it is
conventionally understood, is only one of several facets of the placement of
additional terms on GPL'd code.  The license compatibility issue arises for
three reasons.  First, the GPL is a strong copyleft license, requiring
modified versions to be distributed under the GPL.  Second, the GPL states
that no further restrictions may be placed on the rights of recipients.
Third, all other free software licenses in common use contain certain
requirements, many of which are not conditions made by the GPL.  Thus, when
GPL'd code is modified by combination with code covered by another formal
license that specifies other requirements, and that modified code is then
distributed to others, the freedom of recipients may be burdened by
additional requirements in violation of the GPL.  It can be seen that
additional permissions in other licenses do not raise any problems of license

% FIXME: minor rewrites needed

Section 7 relaxes the prohibition on further restrictions slightly by
enumerating, in subsection 7b, a limited list of categories of additional
requirements that may be placed on code without violating GPLv3.  The list
includes the items that were listed in Draft 1, though rewritten for clarity.
It also includes a new catchall category for terms that might not obviously
fall within one of the other categories but which are precisely equivalent to
GPLv3 conditions, or which deny permission for activities clearly not
permitted by GPLv3.  We have carefully considered but rejected proposals to
expand this list further.  We have also rejected suggestions, made by some
discussion committee members, that the Affero clause requirement (7d in Draft
1 and 7b4 in Draft 2) be removed, though we have revised it in response to
certain comments.  We are unwavering in our view that the Affero requirement
is a legitimate one, and we are committed to achieving compatibility of the
Affero GPL with GPLv3.

% FIXME: minor rewrites needed

A GPL licensee may place an additional requirement on code for which the
licensee has or can give appropriate copyright permission, but only if that
requirement falls within the list given in subsection 7b.  Placement of any
other kind of additional requirement continues to be a violation of the
license.  Additional requirements that are in the 7b list may not be removed,
but if a user receives GPL'd code that purports to include an additional
requirement not in the 7b list, the user may remove that requirement.  Here
we were particularly concerned to address the problem of program authors who
purport to license their works in a misleading and possibly
self-contradictory fashion, using the GPL together with unacceptable added
restrictions that would make those works non-free software.

\section{GPLv3~\S7: Explicit Compatibility}

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