Changeset - 10244bee1439
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 10 years ago 2014-03-20 21:38:34
Purely formatting changes.
1 file changed with 5 insertions and 5 deletions:
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@@ -2931,114 +2931,114 @@ The scope of these requirements are narrow.  GPLv3~\S6 introduces the concept
of a ``User Product'', which includes devices that are sold for personal,
family, or household use.  Distributors are only required to provide
Installation Information when they convey object code in a User Product.

In brief, the right to convey object code in a defined class of ``User
Products,'' under certain circumstances, on providing whatever information is
required to enable a recipient to replace the object code with a functioning
modified version.

This was a compromise that was difficult for the FSF to agree to during the
GPLv3 drafting process.  However, companies and governments that use
specialized or enterprise-level computer facilities reported that they
actually \textit{want} their systems not to be under their own control.
Rather than agreeing to this as a concession, or bowing to pressure, they ask
for this as a \texit{preference}.  It is not clear that GPL should interfere
here, since the main problem lies elsewhere.

While imposing technical barriers to modification is wrong regardless of
circumstances, the areas where restricted devices are of the greatest
practical concern today fall within the User Product definition.  Most, if
not all, technically-restricted devices running GPL-covered programs are
consumer electronics devices.  Moreover, the disparity in clout between the
manufacturers and these users makes it difficult for the users to reject
technical restrictions through their weak and unorganized market power.  Even
limited to User Products, this provision addresses the fundamental problem.

% FIXME-LATER: link \href to USC 2301

The core of the User Product definition is a subdefinition of ``consumer
product'' taken verbatim from the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, a federal
consumer protection law in the USA found in 15~USC~\S2301: ``any tangible
personal property which is normally used for personal, family, or household
purposes.''  The United States has had three decades of experience of liberal
judicial and administrative interpretation of this definition in a manner
favorable to consumer rights.\footnote{The Magnuson-Moss consumer product
  definition itself has been influential in the USA and Canada, having been
  adopted in several state and provincial consumer protection laws.}
Ideally, this body of interpretation\footnote{The FSF, however, was very
  clear that incorporation of such legal interpretation was in no way
  intended work as a general choice of USA law for GPLv3.} will guide
interpretation of the consumer product subdefinition in GPLv3~\S6, and this
will hopefully provide a degree of legal certainty advantageous to device
manufacturers and downstream licensees alike.

One well-established interpretive principle under Magnuson-Moss is that
ambiguities are resolved in favor of coverage.  That is, in cases where
it is not clear whether a product falls under the definition of consumer
product, the product will be treated as a consumer product.\footnote{16
C.F.R.~\S\ 700.1(a); \textit{McFadden v.~Dryvit Systems, Inc.}, 54
U.C.C.~Rep.~Serv.2d 934 (D.~Ore.~2004).}  Moreover, for a given product,
CFR~\S\ 700.1(a); \textit{McFadden v.~Dryvit Systems, Inc.}, 54
UCC~Rep.~Serv.2d 934 (D.~Ore.~2004).}  Moreover, for a given product,
``normally used'' is understood to refer to the typical use of that type
of product, rather than a particular use by a particular buyer.
Products that are commonly used for personal as well as commercial
purposes are consumer products, even if the person invoking rights is a
commercial entity intending to use the product for commercial
purposes.\footnote{16 C.F.R. \S \ 700.1(a).  Numerous court decisions
purposes.\footnote{16 CFR \S \ 700.1(a).  Numerous court decisions
interpreting Magnuson-Moss are in accord; see, e.g., \textit{Stroebner
Motors, Inc.~v.~Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A.}, 459 F.~Supp.2d 1028,
1033 (D.~Hawaii 2006).}  Even a small amount of ``normal'' personal use
is enough to cause an entire product line to be treated as a consumer
product under Magnuson-Moss.\footnote{\textit{Tandy Corp.~v.~Marymac
product under Magnuson-Moss\footnote{\textit{Tandy Corp.~v.~Marymac
Industries, Inc.}, 213 U.S.P.Q.~702 (S.D.~Tex.~1981). In this case, the
court concluded that TRS-80 microcomputers were consumer products, where
such computers were designed and advertised for a variety of users,
including small businesses and schools, and had only recently been
promoted for use in the home.}
promoted for use in the home.}.

We do not rely solely on the definition of consumer product, however,
because in the area of components of dwellings we consider the settled
interpretation under Magnuson-Moss underinclusive.  Depending on how
such components are manufactured or sold, they may or may not be
considered Magnuson-Moss consumer products.\footnote{Building materials
that are purchased directly by a consumer from a retailer, for improving
or modifying an existing dwelling, are consumer products under
Magnuson-Moss, but building materials that are integral component parts
of the structure of a dwelling at the time that the consumer buys the
dwelling are not consumer products. 16 C.F.R.~\S\S~700.1(c)--(f);
Federal Trade Commission, Final Action Concerning Review of
Interpretations of Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, 64 Fed.~Reg.~19,700
(April 22, 1999); see also, e.g., \textit{McFadden}, 54
U.C.C.~Rep.~Serv.2d at 934.}  Therefore, we define User Products as a
superset of consumer products that also includes ``anything designed or
sold for incorporation into a dwelling.''

Although the User Products rule of Draft 3 reflects a special concern
for individual purchasers of devices, we wrote the rule to cover a
category of products, rather than categorizing users.  Discrimination
against organizational users has no place in a free software license.
Moreover, a rule that applied to individual use, rather than to use of
products normally used by individuals, would have too narrow an
effect. Because of its incorporation of the liberal Magnuson-Moss
interpretation of ``consumer product,'' the User Products rule benefits
not only individual purchasers of User Products but also all
organizational purchasers of those same kinds of products, regardless of
their intended use of the products.

we have replaced the Magnuson-Moss
reference with three sentences that encapsulate the judicial and
administrative principles established over the past three decades in the
United States concerning the Magnuson-Moss consumer product definition.
First, we state that doubtful cases are resolved in favor of coverage
under the definition.  Second, we indicate that the words ``normally
used'' in the consumer product definition refer to a typical or common
use of a class of product, and not the status of a particular user or
expected or actual uses by a particular user.  Third, we make clear that
the existence of substantial non-consumer uses of a product does not
negate a determination that it is a consumer product, unless such
non-consumer uses represent the only significant mode of use of that

It should be clear from these added sentences that it is the general
mode of use of a product that determines objectively whether or not it
is a consumer product.  One could not escape the effects of the User
Products provisions by labeling what is demonstrably a consumer product
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