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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 10 years ago 2014-03-20 12:01:17
Rework pasted text into a coherent description of system library exception.

This required writing a lot of additional text to make it work.

I also added my cheeky rule of thumb. :)
1 file changed with 43 insertions and 24 deletions:
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@@ -2418,120 +2418,139 @@ The definition of CCS\footnote{Note that the preferred term for those who
  ``C\&CS'') was so widespread among GPL enforcers that its use continues
  even though GPLv3-focused experts tend to say just the defined term of
  ``Corresponding Source''.}, or, as GPLv3 officially calls it,
``Corresponding Source'' in GPLv3~\S1\P4 is possibly the most complex
definition in the license.

The CCS definition is broad so as to protect users' exercise of their rights
under the GPL\@.  The definition includes with particular examples to remove
any doubt that they are to be considered CCS\@.  GPLv3 seeks to make it
completely clear that a licensee cannot avoid complying with the requirements
of the GPL by dynamically linking a subprogram component to the original
version of a program.  The example also clarifies that the shared libraries
and dynamically linked subprograms that are included in Corresponding Source
are those that the work is ``specifically'' designed to require, which
clarifies that they do not include libraries invoked by the work that can be
readily substituted by other existing implementations.  While copyleft
advocates never doubted this was required under GPLv2's definition of CCS,
making it abundantly clear with an extra example.

GPL, as always, seeks to ensure users are truly in a position to install and
run their modified versions of the program; the CCS definition is designed to
be expansive to ensure this software freedom.  However, although the
definition of CCS is expansive, it is not sufficient to protect users'
freedoms in many circumstances.  For example, a GPL'd program, or a modified
version of such a program, might be locked-down and restricted.  The
requirements in GPLv3~\S6 (discussed in Section~\ref{GPLv3s6} of this
tutorial) handle that issue.  (Early drafts of GPLv3 included those
requirements in the definition of CCS; however, given that the lock-down
issue only comes up in distribution of object code, it is more logical to
place those requirements with the parts of GPLv3 dealing directly with object
code distribution).

The penultimate paragraph in GPLv3\S2 notes that GPLv3's CCS definition does
not require source that can be automatically generated.  Many code
generators, preprocessors and take source code as input and sometimes even
have output that is still source code.  Source code should always be whatever
the original programmer preferred to modify.

GPLv3\S1's final paragraph removes any ambiguity about what should be done on
source-only distributions.  Specifically, the right to convey source code
that does not compile, does not work, or otherwise is experimental
in-progress work is fully permitted, \textit{provided that} no object code
form is conveyed as well.  Indeed, when combined with the permissions in
GPLv3\S~5, it is clear that if one conveys \texti{only} source code, one can
never be required to provide more than that.  One always has the right to
modify a source code work by deleting any part of it, and there can be no
requirement that free software source code be a whole functioning program.

% FIXME: Standard Interface

% FIXME: System Libraries: it's in a different place and changed in later drafts

The final paragraph of section 1 revises the exception to the source code
distribution requirement in GPLv2 that we have sometimes called the system
library exception. This exception has been read to prohibit certain
distribution arrangements that we consider reasonable and have not sought to
prevent, such as distribution of gcc linked with a non-free C library that is
included as part of a larger non-free system. This is not to say that such
non-free libraries are legitimate; rather, preventing free software from
linking with these libraries would hurt free software more than it would hurt
proprietary software.

As revised, the exception has two parts. Part (a) rewords the GPLv2
exception for clarity but also removes the words ``unless that
component itself accompanies the executable.''  By itself, (a) would
be too permissive, allowing distributors to evade their
responsibilities under the GPL.  We have therefore added part (b) to
specify when a system library that is an adjunct of a major essential
operating system component, compiler, or interpreter does not trigger
the requirement to distribute source code.  The more low-level the
functionality provided by the library, the more likely it is to be
qualified for this exception.
\section{The System Library Exception}

The previous section skipped over one part of the CCS definition, the
so-called system library exception.  The ``System Libraries'' definition (and
the ``Standard Interface'' and ``Major Component'' definitions, which it
includes) are designed as part

to permit certain distribution arrangements that are considered reasonable by
copyleft advocates.  The system library exception is designed to allow
copylefted software to link with these libraries when such linking would hurt
software freedom more than it would hurt proprietary software.

The system library exception has two parts.  Part (a) rewords the GPLv2
exception for clarity replaces GPLv2's words ``unless that component itself
accompanies the executable'' with ``which is not part of the Major
Component''.  The goal here is to not require disclosure of source code of
certain libraries, such as necessary Microsoft Windows DLLs (which aren't
part of Windows' kernel but accompany it) that are required for functioning
of copylefted programs compiled for Windows.

However, in isolation, (a) would be too permissive, as it would sometimes
allowing distributors to evade important GPL requirements.  Part (b) reigns
in (a).  Specifically, (b) specifies only a few functionalities that a the
system library may provide and still qualify for the exception.  The goal is
to ensure system libraries are truly adjunct to a major essential operating
system component, compiler, or interpreter.  The more low-level the
functionality provided by the library, the more likely it is to be qualified
for this exception.

Admittedly, the system library exception is a frequently discussed topic of
obsessed GPL theorists.  The amount that has been written on the system
library exception (both the GPLv2 and GPLv3 versions of it), if included
herein,  could easily increase this section of the tutorial to a length
greater than all the others.

Like any exception to the copyleft requirements of GPL, would-be GPL
violators frequently look to the system library exception as a potential
software freedom circumvention technique.  When considering whether or not a
library qualifies for the system library exception, here is a pragmatic
thesis to consider, based on the combined decades of experience in GPL
interpretation of this tutorial's authors: the harder and more strained the
reader must study and read the system library exception, the more likely it
is that the library in question does not qualify for it.

% FIXME: These don't belong here

It is important to note that section 11, paragraph 3 refers to a work that is
conveyed, and section 10, paragraph 2 refers to a kind of automatic
counterpart to conveying achieved as the result of a transaction. 

\section{GPLv3~\S2: Basic Permissions}

% FIXME: phrase ``unmodified Program'' appears due to User Products exception

We have included the first sentence of section 2 to further internationalize
the GPL. Under the copyright laws of some countries, it may be necessary for
a copyright license to include an explicit provision setting forth the
duration of the rights being granted. In other countries, including the
United States, such a provision is unnecessary but permissible.

The first paragraph of section 2 also acknowledges that licensees under the
GPL enjoy rights of copyright fair use, or the equivalent under applicable
law. These rights are compatible with, and not in conflict with, the freedoms
that the GPL seeks to protect, and the GPL cannot and should not restrict

% FIXME: propagate and convey

Section 2 distinguishes between activities of a licensee that are permitted
without limitation and activities that trigger additional requirements. The
second paragraph of section 2 guarantees the basic freedoms of privately
modifying and running the program. However, the right to privately modify and
run the program is terminated if the licensee brings a patent infringement
lawsuit against anyone for activities relating to a work based on the

% FIXME:  transition, and some word smith
The explicit prohibition of sublicensing ensures that enforcement of the GPL
is always by the copyright holder.  Usually, sublicensing is regarded as a
practical convenience or necessity for the licensee, to avoid having to
negotiate a license with each licensor in a chain of distribution.  The GPL
solves this problem in another way, through its automatic licensing

% FIXME: new section here, just to talk DRM before the other section.

GPLv3 introduces provisions that respond to the growing practice of
distributing GPL-covered programs in devices that employ technical means
to restrict users from installing and running modified versions.  This
practice thwarts the expectations of developers and users alike, because
the right to modify is one of the core freedoms the GPL is designed to
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