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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 10 years ago 2014-12-23 18:22:05
FIXME re: "dynamic linking delayed" to runtime.

The existing text of the Guide hints at this point but doesn't discuss
it directly. This FIXME is merely a reminder note to investigate this
issue in further detail and perhaps add text here on the question.
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@@ -1495,384 +1495,403 @@ It is certainly true that GPL intends for any work that is determined a
GPL\@, as will be discussed in the following chapter.  However, as we finish
up our discussion derivative works, we must note that preparation of a
derivative work is by far not the only way to create a new work covered by

In fact, while derivative work preparation is perhaps the most exciting area
of legal issues to consider, the more mundane ways to create a new work
covered by GPL are much more common.  For example, copyright statutes
generally require permission from the copyright holder to grant explicit
permission to modify a work in any manner.  As discussed in the next chapter,
the GPL {\em does} grant such permission, but requires the modified work must
also be licensed under the terms of the GPL (and only GPL:
see\S~\label{GPLv2s6} in this tutorial).  Determining whether software was
modified is a substantially easier analysis than the derivative work
discussions and considerations in this chapter.

The question of derivative works, when and how they are made, is undoubtedly
an essential discussion in the interpretation and consideration of copyleft.
That is why this chapter was included in this tutorial.  However, as we
return from this digression and resume discussion of the detailed text of the
GPLv2, we must gain a sense of perspective: most GPL questions center around
questions of modification and distribution, not preparation of derivative
works.  Derivative work preparation is ultimately a small subset of the types
of modified versions of the software a developer might create, thus, while an
excessive focus on derivative works indulges us in the more exciting areas of
copyleft, we must keep a sense of perspective regarding their relative


\chapter{Modified Source and Binary Distribution}

In this chapter, we discuss the two core sections that define the rights
and obligations for those who modify, improve, and/or redistribute GPL'd
software. These sections, GPLv2~\S\S2--3, define the central core rights and
requirements of GPLv2\@.

\section{GPLv2~\S2: Share and Share Alike}

For many, this is where the ``magic'' happens that defends software
freedom upon redistribution.  GPLv2~\S2 is the only place in GPLv2
that governs the modification controls of copyright law.  If users
distribute modified versions a GPLv2'd program, they must follow the terms of GPLv2~\S2 in making
those changes.  Thus, this sections ensures that the body of GPL'd software, as it
continues and develops, remains Free as in freedom.

To achieve that goal, GPLv2~\S2 first sets forth that the rights of
redistribution of modified versions are the same as those for verbatim
copying, as presented in GPLv2~\S1.  Therefore, the details of charging money,
keeping copyright notices intact, and other GPLv2~\S1 provisions are intact
here as well.  However, there are three additional requirements.

\subsection{The Simpler Parts of GPLv2~\S2}

The first (GPLv2~\S2(a)) requires that modified files carry ``prominent
notices'' explaining what changes were made and the date of such
changes. This section does not prescribe some specific way of
marking changes nor does it control the process of how changes are made.
Primarily, GPLv2~\S2(a) seeks to ensure that those receiving modified
versions know the history of changes to the software.  For some users,
it is important to know that they are using the standard version of
program, because while there are many advantages to using a fork,
there are a few disadvantages.  Users should be informed about the
historical context of the software version they use, so that they can
make proper support choices.  Finally, GPLv2~\S2(a) serves an academic
purpose --- ensuring that future developers can use a diachronic
approach to understand the software.

GPLv2~\S2(c), a relatively simple section, requires that any program which
(before modification) ``normally reads commands interactively when run'' and
displays or prints legal information also display all copyright notices,
warranty disclaimer, modification indications and a pointer to the license,
even in modified versions.  The requirement is relatively simple, and relates
to an important policy goal of copyleft: downstream users should be informed
of their rights.  Its implications and details are straightforward and


Meanwhile, GPLv2~\S2(b) requires careful and extensive study.  Its four short lines embody
the some of the essential legal details of ``share and share alike''.  These 46 words are
considered by some to be the most worthy of careful scrutiny because they
can be a source of great confusion when not properly understood.

In considering GPLv2~\S2(b), first note the qualifier: it \textit{only} applies to
derivative, combined and/or modified works that ``you distribute or publish''.  Despite years of
education efforts on this matter, many still believe that modifiers
of GPL'd software \textit{must} publish or otherwise
share their changes.  On the contrary, GPLv2~\S2(b) {\bf does not apply if} the
changes are never distributed.  Indeed, the freedom to make private,
personal, unshared changes to software for personal use only should be
protected and defended.\footnote{Most Free Software enthusiasts believe there is a {\bf
    moral} obligation to redistribute changes that are generally useful,
  and they often encourage companies and individuals to do so.  However, there
  is a clear distinction between what one {\bf ought} to do and what one
  {\bf must} do.}

Next, we again encounter the same matter that appears in GPLv2~\S0, in the
following text:
``...that in whole or part contains or is derived from the Program or any part thereof.''
Again, the GPL relies here on copyright law.
If, under copyright law, the modified version ``contains or is
derived from'' the GPL'd software, then the requirements of GPLv2~\S2(b)
apply.  The GPL invokes its control as a copyright license over the
modification of the work in combination with its control over distribution
of the work.

The final clause of GPLv2~\S2(b) describes what the licensee must do if she
distributes or publishes a modified version of the work --- namely, the following:
[The work must] be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third parties
under the terms of this License.
That is probably the most tightly-packed phrase in all of the GPL\@.
Consider each subpart carefully.

The work ``as a whole'' is what is to be licensed. This is an important
point that GPLv2~\S2 spends an entire paragraph explaining; thus this phrase is
worthy of a lengthy discussion here.  As a programmer modifies a software
program, she generates new copyrighted material --- fixing expressions of
ideas into the tangible medium of electronic file storage.  That
programmer is indeed the copyright holder of those new changes.  However,
those changes are part and parcel to the original work distributed to
the programmer under GPL\@. Thus, the license of the original work
affects the license of the new whole combined and/or derivative work.

% {\cal I}


It is certainly possible to take an existing independent work (called
\worki{}) and combine it with a GPL'd program (called \workg{}).  The
license of \worki{}, when it is distributed as a separate and independent
work, remains the prerogative of the copyright holder of \worki{}.
However, when \worki{} is combined with \workg{}, it produces a new work
that is the combination of the two (called \gplusi{}). The copyright of
this combined work, \gplusi{}, is held by the original copyright
holder of each of the two works.

In this case, GPLv2~\S2 lays out the terms by which \gplusi{} may be
distributed and copied.  By default, under copyright law, the copyright
holder of \worki{} would not have been permitted to distribute \gplusi{};
copyright law forbids it without the expressed permission of the copyright
holder of \workg{}. (Imagine, for a moment, if \workg{} were a proprietary
product --- would its copyright holders  give you permission to create and distribute
\gplusi{} without paying them a hefty sum?)  The license of \workg{}, the
GPL, states the  options for the copyright holder of \worki{}
who may want to create and distribute \gplusi{}. The  GPL's pre-granted
permission to create and distribute combined and/or derivative works, provided the terms
of the GPL are upheld, goes far above and beyond the permissions that one
would get with a typical work not covered by a copyleft license.  Thus, to
say that this condition is any way unreasonable is simply ludicrous.

The GPL  recognizes what is outside its scope.  When a programmer's work is
``separate and independent'' from any GPL'd program code with which it could be
combined, then the obligations of copyleft do not extend to the work
separately distributed.  Thus, Far from attempting to extend copyleft beyond the
scope of copyright, the licenses explicitly recognize.

Thus, GPL recognizes what is outside its scope.  When a programmer's work is
``separate and independent'' from any GPL'd program code with which it could
be combined, then copyleft obligations do not extend to the independent work
separately distributed.  Thus, far from attempting to extend copyleft beyond
the scope of copyright, GPL explicitly limits the scope of copyleft to the
scope of copyright.

GPL does not, however (as is sometimes suggested) distinguish ``dynamic''
from ``static'' linking of program code.  It is occasionally suggested that a
subroutine ``dynamically'' linked to GPL'd code is, by virtue of the linking
alone, inherently outside the scope of copyleft on the main work.  This is a
misunderstanding.  When two software components are joined together to make
one work (whether a main and some library subroutines, two objects with their
respective methods, or a program and a ``plugin'') the combination infringes
the copyright on the components if the combination required copyright
permission from the component copyright holders, as such permission was
either not available or was available on terms that were not observed.

In other words, when combining other software with GPL'd components, the only
available permission is GPL\@.  The combiner must observe and respect the GPL
observed on the combination as a whole.  It matters not if that combination
is made with a linker before distribution of the executable, is made by the
operating system in order to share libraries for execution efficiency at
runtime, or results from runtime references in the language at runtime (as in
Java programs).


%   A commonly asked question is whether or not separated distribution (i.e.,
%   dynamic loading of a module that is expected to be present on the
%   downstream sytem) triggers the copyleft requirement.  The text above
%   hints at that issue, with reference to Java runtime.  However, here would
%   likely be the natural place to discuss that issue in more depth.  I have
%   never actually studied this specific question in a GPLv2 vs. GPLv3
%   analysis, and as such I'd want to do that first.  Furthermore, the FSF
%   has not publicly opined on this question to my knowledge, so I'd want to
%   see possible update to
% to mention
%   this issue before opining about it in the Guide.

%   I'm not aware, BTW, of any dissenting opinions or disagreements among
%   copyleft advocates on this point.  I think it's just a question that is
%   rarely opined on but often asked, so it's fitting for this Guide to cover
%   it, and for addition on this point in the FAQ.


The next phrase of note in GPLv2~\S2(b) is ``licensed \ldots at no charge.''
This phrase  confuses many.  The sloppy reader points out this as ``a
contradiction in GPL'' because (in their confused view) that clause of GPLv2~\S2 says that re-distributors cannot
charge for modified versions of GPL'd software, but GPLv2~\S1 says that
they can.  Avoid this confusion: the ``at no charge'' \textbf{does not} prohibit re-distributors from
charging when performing the acts governed by copyright
law,\footnote{Recall that you could by default charge for any acts not
governed by copyright law, because the license controls are confined
by copyright.} but rather that they cannot charge a fee for the
\emph{license itself}.  In other words, redistributors of (modified
and unmodified) GPL'd works may charge any amount they choose for
performing the modifications on contract or the act of transferring
the copy to the customer, but they may not charge a separate licensing
fee for the software.

GPLv2~\S2(b) further states that the software must ``be licensed \ldots to all
third parties.''  This too yields some confusion, and feeds the
misconception mentioned earlier --- that all modified versions must be made
available to the public at large.  However, the text here does not say
that.  Instead, it says that the licensing under terms of the GPL must
extend to anyone who might, through the distribution chain, receive a copy
of the software.  Distribution to all third parties is not mandated here,
but GPLv2~\S2(b) does require re-distributors to license the whole work in
a way that extends to all third parties who may ultimately receive a
copy of the software.

In summary, GPLv2\ 2(b) says what terms under which the third parties must
receive this no-charge license.  Namely, they receive it ``under the terms
of this License'', the GPLv2.  When an entity \emph{chooses} to redistribute
a work based on GPL'd software, the license of that whole 
work must be GPL and only GPL\@.  In this manner, GPLv2~\S2(b) dovetails nicely
with GPLv2~\S6 (as discussed in Section~\ref{GPLv2s6} of this tutorial).


The final paragraph of GPLv2~\S2 is worth special mention.  It is possible and
quite common to aggregate various software programs together on one
distribution medium.  Computer manufacturers do this when they ship a
pre-installed hard drive, and GNU/Linux distribution vendors do this to
give a one-stop CD or URL for a complete operating system with necessary
applications.  The GPL very clearly permits such ``mere aggregation'' with
programs under any license.  Despite what you hear from its critics, the
GPL is nothing like a virus, not only because the GPL is good for you and
a virus is bad for you, but also because simple contact with a GPL'd
code-base does not impact the license of other programs.  A programmer must
expend actual effort  to cause a work to fall under the terms
of the GPL.  Redistributors are always welcome to simply ship GPL'd
software alongside proprietary software or other unrelated Free Software,
as long as the terms of GPL are adhered to for those packages that are
truly GPL'd.

%FIXME: need discussion of GPLv2's system library exception somewhere in here.
\subsection{Right to Private Modification} 

The issue of private modifications of GPLv2'd works deserves special
attention.  While these rights are clearly explicit in GPLv3~\S2\P2 (see
\S~\ref{GPLv3S2} of this tutorial for details), the permission to create
private modifications is mostly implicit in GPLv2.  Most notably, the
requirements of GPLv2~\S2 (and GPLv2~\S3, which will be discussed next) are
centered around two different copyright controls: both modification
\emph{and} distribution.  As such, GPLv2~\S2's requirements need only be met
when a modified version is distributed; one need not follow them for modified
versions that are not distributed.\footnote{As a matter of best practice, it's
  useful to assume that all software may eventually be distributed later,
  even if there no plans for distribution at this time.  Too often, GPL
  violations occur because of a late distribution decision of software that
  was otherwise never intended for distribution.}

However, the careful reader of GPLv2 will notice that, unlike GPLv3, no other
clauses of the license actually give explicit permission to make private
modifications.  Since modification of software is a control governed by
copyright, a modifier needs permission from the copyright holder to engage in
that activity.

In practice, however, traditional GPLv2 interpretation has always assumed
that blanket permission to create non-distributed modified versions was
available, and the
  has long opined that distribution of modified versions is never mandatory}.
This issue is one of many where GPLv3 clarifies in explicit text the implicit
policy and intent that was solidified via long-standing interpretation of

\section{GPLv2~\S3: Producing Binaries}

Software is a strange beast when compared to other copyrightable works.
It is currently impossible to make a film or a book that can be truly
obscured.  Ultimately, the full text of a novel, even one written by
William Faulkner, must be presented to the reader as words in some
human-readable language so that they can enjoy the work.  A film, even one
directed by David Lynch, must be perceptible by human eyes and ears to
have any value.

Software is not so.  While the source code --- the human-readable
representation of software --- is of keen interest to programmers, users and
programmers alike cannot make the proper use of software in that
human-readable form.  Binary code --- the ones and zeros that the computer
can understand --- must be predicable and attainable for the software to
be fully useful.  Without the binaries, be they in object or executable
form, the software serves only the didactic purposes of computer science.

Under copyright law, binary representations of the software are simply
modified versions (and/or derivative works) of the source code.  Applying a systematic process (i.e.,
``compilation''\footnote{``Compilation'' in this context refers to the
  automated computing process of converting source code into binaries.  It
  has absolutely nothing to do with the term ``compilation'' in copyright statues.}) to a work of source code yields binary code. The binary
code is now a new work of expression fixed in the tangible medium of
electronic file storage.

Therefore, for GPL'd software to be useful, the GPL, since it governs the
rules for creation of modified works, must grant permission for the
generation of binaries.  Furthermore, notwithstanding the relative
popularity of source-based GNU/Linux distributions like Gentoo, users find
it extremely convenient to receive distribution of binary software.  Such
distribution is the redistribution of modified works of the software's
source code.  GPLv2~\S3 addresses the matter of creation and distribution of
binary versions.

Under GPLv2~\S3, binary versions may be created and distributed under the
terms of GPLv2~\S1--2, so all the material previously discussed applies
here.  However, GPLv2~\S3 must go a bit further.  Access to the software's
source code is an incontestable prerequisite for the exercise of the
fundamental freedoms to modify and improve the software.  Making even
the most trivial changes to a software program at the binary level is
effectively impossible.  GPLv2~\S3 must ensure that the binaries are never
distributed without the source code, so that these freedoms are passed
through the distribution chain.

GPLv2~\S3 permits distribution of binaries, and then offers three options for
distribution of source code along with binaries. The most common and the
least complicated is the option given under GPLv2~\S3(a).

GPLv2~\S3(a) offers the option to directly accompany the source code alongside
the distribution of the binaries.  This is by far the most convenient
option for most distributors, because it means that the source-code
provision obligations are fully completed at the time of binary
distribution (more on that later).

Under GPLv2~\S3(a), the source code provided must be the ``corresponding source
code.''  Here ``corresponding'' primarily means that the source code
provided must be that code used to produce the binaries being distributed.
That source code must also be ``complete''.   GPLv2~\S3's penultimate paragraph
explains in detail what is meant by ``complete''.  In essence, it is all
the material that a programmer of average skill would need to actually use
the source code to produce the binaries she has received.  Complete source
is required so that, if the licensee chooses, she should be able to
exercise her freedoms to modify and redistribute changes.  Without the
complete source, it would not be possible to make changes that were
actually directly derived from the version received.


Furthermore, GPLv2~\S3 is defending against a tactic that has in fact been
seen in GPL enforcement.  Under GPL, if you pay a high price for
a copy of GPL'd binaries (which comes with corresponding source, of
course), you have the freedom to redistribute that work at any fee you
choose, or not at all.  Sometimes, companies attempt a GPL-violating
cozenage whereby they produce very specialized binaries (perhaps for
an obscure architecture).  They then give source code that does
correspond, but withhold the ``incantations'' and build plans they
used to make that source compile into the specialized binaries.
Therefore, GPLv2~\S3 requires that the source code include ``meta-material'' like
scripts, interface definitions, and other material that is used to
``control compilation and installation'' of the binaries.  In this
manner, those further down the distribution chain are assured that
they have the unabated freedom to build their own modified works
from the sources provided.

Software distribution comes in many
forms.  Embedded manufacturers, for example, have the freedom to put
GPL'd software into mobile devices with very tight memory and space
constraints.  In such cases, putting the source right alongside the
binaries on the machine itself might not be an option.  While it is
recommended that this be the default way that people comply with GPL, the
GPL does provide options when such distribution is unfeasible.

GPLv2~\S3, therefore, allows source code to be provided on any physical
``medium customarily used for software interchange.''  By design, this
phrase covers a broad spectrum --- the phrase seeks to pre-adapt to
changes in  technology.  When GPLv2 was first published in June
1991, distribution on magnetic tape was still common, and CD was
relatively new.  By 2002, CD was the default.  By 2007, DVD's were the
default.  Now, it's common to give software on USB drives and SD cards.  This
language in the license must adapt with changing technology.

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