Changeset - 002a6b9ded48
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enyst - 9 years ago 2015-04-03 01:42:45
Missing word.

Signed-off-by: enyst <>
1 file changed with 1 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -2180,25 +2180,25 @@ copyright holder.  The copyright holder does not decide when GPLv2~\S4
termination occurs (if ever); rather, the actions of the licensee determine

Under copyright law, the GPL has granted various rights and freedoms to
the licensee to perform specific types of copying, modification, and
redistribution.  By default, all other types of copying, modification, and
redistribution are prohibited.  GPLv2~\S4 says that if you undertake any of
those other types (e.g., redistributing binary-only in violation of GPLv2~\S3),
then all rights under the license --- even those otherwise permitted for
those who have not violated --- terminate automatically.

GPLv2~\S4 makes GPLv2 enforceable.  If licensees fail to adhere to the
license, then they are stuck without any permission under to engage in
license, then they are stuck without any permission under which to engage in
activities covered by copyright law.  They must completely cease and desist
from all copying, modification and distribution of the GPL'd software.

At that point, violating licensees must gain the forgiveness of the copyright
holders to have their rights restored.  Alternatively, the violators could
negotiate another agreement, separate from GPL, with the copyright
holder.  Both are common practice, although
\tutorialpartsplit{as discussed in \textit{A Practical Guide to GPL
    Compliance}, there are }{Chapter~\ref{compliance-understanding-whos-enforcing}
  explains further} key differences between these two very different uses of GPL.

\section{GPLv2~\S5: Acceptance, Copyright Style}
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