Changeset - d83b3115f5d1
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 9 years ago 2014-11-08 22:15:36
For moment, we're linking to no logos at bottom.

Except for the GNU Mailman pages.
1 file changed with 0 insertions and 1 deletions:
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Random TODOs related to the Wiki and infrastructure:

* it'd be nice to link to template and wiki sources (or maybe they are all in one repo; I don't know ikiwiki well)
* by-sa license icon cries out for more branding! FSF and Consevancy logos in footer, maybe right aligned?
* something odd about /about /about/about /about/colophon links (and seem not present now)
* /guide/ link to gitorious is broken due to rename
* no history link for each page (usually by recent changes, etc) loses major wiki affordance, cf <> ... looks to require [configuration](
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